Sunday, November 29, 2009

Osteosclerosis In My Hip

Detox Diet Right to Health

The Health and 'a law


health, defined in the Constitution of' WHO , as a "state of complete physical, mental and social, not merely the absence of disease," is considered a right and as such it underpins all other fundamental rights which belong to the people of the whole earth. So the law of health is up to each of us to act with wisdom, understood as the ability 'to use, in appropriate circumstances, the knowledge gained in the field of health.

So if we acquire true knowledge, in theory we should be able to cure ourselves properly, there is a problem, and that means' what knowledge we have learned in the course of our existence? What are the sources?

We have reason to believe that the information in our lives we have been handed down are the ones that our parents our grandparents and in turn they have given us with love and dedication, but in the last 50 years, especially after the Great War, and they 'saw a reversal of the cognitive structure of the human body and how it works, unfortunately, have found that at some point the body was no longer 'one unit capable of self-forces and vital energies implementing a cure in time, but rather' the human body and 'study and was divided into factions, targeted therapies with the body, without attaching the slightest mental part as well as the spiritual.

You may gamble too much in saying that reducing the human body in a collection of organs that become ill and no longer 'the individual che precede una fase di debolezza, e di rinnovamento, si e' imparato a speculare sia a livello di cure che a livello di conoscenze dei vari organi come scollegati tra loro.

Quale e' ora il compito maggiore che resta alla nostra saggezza? Quello di capire che questo sistema, pur ammettendo una certa dose di buona fede, in realta' ha fallito nei suoi intenti, facendoci credere che ad ogni sintomo corrisponda una medicina, e che ci siano medici che curano quell'organo di cui si sono specializzati.

In realta' se impariamo prima possibile a curare il nostro corpo in modo armonico, dando cibo naturale, facendo attivita' fisica and reading the Bible for the guidance of our Creator, then we can say we lead our lives with wisdom.

We do not want to act like the Pharisees in Jesus 'day', which strain the gnat and swallow a camel!


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