Monday, December 14, 2009

Cute Volleyball Ribbon

Therapy against the harmful effects of vaccines

You true that a vaccine offers protection to a specific infectious disease in 75-95% of vaccinees, but this effect is obtained essentially the price of three damages:
1 - strong imbalance in the immune system (which is higher the greater the number of vaccines inoculated simultaneously and is so small and weak child);
2 - loss of the strengthening the immune system by infectious disease that the vaccine does indeed avoid;
3 - poisoning from substances associated antigen vaccine (mercury and other preservatives, aluminum and other adjuvants, animal proteins, antibiotics and various other chemicals).
antidote to the immune damage caused by vaccines may act by giving a homeopathic remedy strictly custom (called Similimum) that is chosen based on the totality of characteristics of the psycho-physical biopatografiche person.
Sometimes, however, clinical experience teaches that there are conditions in which this treatment does not work and often the cause is a strong block immune indeed caused by parenteral vaccines that the person has previously engaged, especially those inoculated in the earliest months of life.
You can then use this system suggested by the Homeopath Dutch Dr. Tinus Smits and that is the administration, a growing Dynamics, nosodes of homeopathic vaccine used. A homeopathic nosode is prepared by a diseased tissue infection in a crisis and then you can say that the nosode no longer has the identity of the person in it, but only the signs of the infection process.
The characteristic of nosodes is to be able to balance both the changes that the infectious agent causing organism or whether they are derived from the administration of some simple cellular antigens of the same organism (as in the case of vaccines ).
Morbillinum The homeopathic remedy, ad esempio, è in grado di riequilibrare i danni causati dal virus del morbillo, sia che questo sia venuto a contatto con un individuo in modo naturale (normale malattia infettiva del morbillo), sia che sia stato somministrato artificialmente in forma attenuata (tradizionale vaccino del morbillo), o i danni causati dalla somministrazione di frazioni antigeniche virali (per il morbillo questo sistema non è ancora possibile, ma lo è per altri vaccini come quello contro l'epatite B).
Il Dr. Smits usa somministrare tutti insieme i nosodi omeopatici dei vaccini che il bambino ha ricevuto. Quindi, se ad un bambino è stato inoculato il Vaccino Esavalente (vaccini antitetanico, antidifterico, antiepatitico B, antipoliomielitico, antiemofilo e antipertossico) e il medico sospetta che questa vaccinazione abbia causato dei danni immunitari o neurologici od ormonali ecc., gli somministra una soluzione omeopatica contenente 6 rimedi omeopatici mescolati tra loro.
Il Dr. Smits usa la somministrazione di questi rimedi in dose singola e in 4 potenze crescenti da effettuare una volta al giorno per 4 giorni consecutivi: il primo giorno il 30ch, il secondo giorno il 200ch, il terzo giorno il 1000ch (o 1000k) e il quarto giorno il 10.000ch (o 10.000k).

Durante o subito dopo la somministrazione di questi rimedi omeopatici si possono avere due eventi:
A - nessuna reazione

B - una reazione di malessere by the body. Analiza
now these two cases:
A - If the homeopathic remedy does not trigger any organic reaction, it means that there was no change within its range (for example, if it had been assumed Morbillinum means that any previous vaccination against measles and measles disease natural that the child had not previously had caused immune damage).
In this case, wait about 20 days and then you can give another possible solution is to try homeopathic antidote to other vaccines (that is, if the history is not evidence of a strong suspicion in respect of a vaccination as a causative agent of immune damage, you have to try to administer the various homeopathic remedies in succession, until the vaccine is responsible).
recommend a few homeopathic remedies at a time (up to 3-4 if the child has received many vaccines): in this way the treatment is a bit 'long, but makes it easier to identify the vaccine caused the damage and this is not information is a significant prognostic and therapeutic purposes.
B - If the homeopathic remedy is immune to an imbalance 'inside of his particular sphere of action, will manifest itself (usually within 12-24 hours) a malaise generally characterized by fever, chills, cough, etc.. The most common reaction in these cases is the onset of fever, which does not require special treatment. This brief and mild aggravation of symptoms, which reflect the reaction of 'body and that is a very desirable during a homeopathic therapy uniqueness, suggests that the medicine was able to resume what was once called "vital energy" of the person.
In this case, it should be immediately suspended the homeopathic treatment with vaccinia and usually, to share rare cases requiring a new remedy, should not be given any treatment, either pharmacological, homeopathic: you just wait 1-3 days and everything will be resolved.
When the symptoms have stopped, wait another 7 days and repeat again and once the last homeopathic product made (the one that caused the reaction). Wait three days and then, if other effects do not appear, continue as planned (ie any other powers of the same homeopathic remedy that lack to be taken).
If you repeat the previous problems (certainly less intensity), you have to stop again, wait another 7 days after their disappearance, and repeat once or twice administration of the same homeopathic remedy, will not appear until no more noise, then you can continue with the other powers of the same product until you finish the treatment program.

Sometimes you may experience severe reactions which can then be treated very well by the administration the same homeopathic remedy that has stimulated, but given the power 30CH dissolved in water: five granules dissolve in half a glass of water that is then given at a dose of two teaspoons per day for 1-3 days.
If a child is particularly weak, for example due to complications from the use of multiple vaccinations or is a true case of hypersensitivity dell'antivaccino each power can be given weekly instead of daily.
also any serious reactions can be treated the same way with weekly repetition of the same power to the complete absence of any reaction. If symptoms do not disappear completely within three weeks, the entire series must be repeated. In general, you need to be given a serial number ranging from one to three.
antivaccinale When this treatment is finished, if they start another one after an interval of 20 days and will continue that way until all vaccines are administered or at least those considered more likely guilty of immune damage.
This treatment may also be useful to treat acute illness caused by the natural manifestation of the disease (for example, a normal measles in the acute phase) or acute complication caused by the vaccine.
In acute cases the treatment is basically the same and differs only in the fact that we will give preference to aqueous solutions of powers 30C or 200C. This homeopathic solution should be administered in the form of a small sip or a spoonful every hour, for a number of days (three days is usually sufficient).
, but if you wish to make a vaccine and you want to try to limit the massimo i suoi danni , va utilizzato il metodo preventivo che consiste nel somministrare il rimedio omeopatico corrispondente a quel vaccino (cioè il vaccino dinamizzato). Di solito si consiglia di usare la 200ch, circa cinque granuli, che vanno somministrati solo due volte: la prima volta 2 giorni prima del vaccino e la seconda volta subito dopo la vaccinazione.
I granuli vanno sciolti in bocca. Se non vi saranno successive vaccinazioni dello stesso tipo per qualche tempo, per maggior tranquillità è buona cosa ripetere lo stesso rimedio omeopatico il mese dopo, a potenze crescenti per tre giorni consecutivi: 200ch, 1000ch (o MK) e 10.000ch (o XMK). In questo modo si corregge qualsiasi possibile disturbo even in the deepest energy levels.
If despite all these preventive measures complications arise - something that can never be completely ruled out - I recommend the use of an aqueous solution of this vaccine to be administered at 200C for three days in the acute phase and then repeat the entire series that the following weeks.
For completeness, I note that this treatment of the vaccine or antidote to the damage of specific infectious diseases for which we have the specific homeopathic remedies, but not in any way alters the antibody response to vaccine therapy, that does not interfere with the immunity that person has acquired as a result of recruitment the vaccine.
(Dr. Roberto Gava)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Exhuast Restrictor On Moped

Homeopathic Colon Hydrotherapy


Many studies Epidemiological studies have shown that health, illness and aging are closely related to the status of the colon. The balance between assimilation of nutrients and the elimination of waste is undoubtedly the primary factor for maintaining good health. If we depend very much on our environment esteriore, è certo che l'influenza esercitata dal nostro ambiente interiore è perlomeno della stessa importanza.
L'inquinamento interiore del corpo è un fattore determinante per il mantenimento degli stati patologici. Il colon, luogo terminale del bolo alimentare, lungi dall'essere passivo, è il luogo di passaggio di numerose sostanze sia verso l'interno che verso l'esterno. Quando è sporco, pieno di materiali che ne incrostano le pareti, non è più in grado di assolvere correttamente alle sue funzioni d'assorbimento delle sostanze necessarie alla vita delle cellule, né di espellere i residui umorali del sangue e della linfa ritardando così la sua funzione principale.
Most human beings who suffer from digestive disorders more or less important have fecal matter that remains "locked" in the colon for a long time, sometimes for years, these substances are a source of poisoning of the body, and often causes of mental disturbance and disorder in personal development. The bad feature of the colon is not always the cause of a disease, but in many cases is an important factor in stressing the disease itself and its extension. The seriousness of this therapy is confirmed by more than 50 years of practice and research in various countries around the world and especially in the U.S. where Snyder and Waddington, having practiced more than 1600 irrigation intestinal without incident, I am able to state the total safety of this therapy.
dell'idrocolonterapia The main purpose is to wash in the depths of the intestinal mucosa, but also and perhaps primarily, a diagnostic method that allows you to focus on the functional status of the large intestine and connect the symptoms of patient's malfunctioning. With this method you can determine the presence of intestinal gas as well as volume, concentration and localization of accumulated faecal matter, and yet the density and color of the intestinal mucus of providing guidance for establishing, for a given person, the type of power che favorisce l'accumulo permettendo di mettere a punto la dieta non solo durante la cura, ma anche durante tutto il periodo di disintossicazione dell'organismo.
L'idrocolonterapia non pretende di essere il rimedio di ogni male, ma una procedura estremamente favorevole in una grande varietà di turbe della salute. Un cambiamento del comportamento alimentare, l'adozione progressiva di una alimentazione più sana, un modo di vita più equilibrato, un adeguato spazio per il necessario riposo, l'introduzione di un adeguato programma di attività fisica nella vita quotidiana, sono tutti indispensabili per conservare o migliorare la salute ritrovata grazie all'idrocolonterapia.
L'irrigazione intestinale ( primo nome dato a questa pratica ) è molto antica, la prima citazione la troviamo nel papiro Ebers, un documento dell'antico Egitto datato 1500 a.C.; già i medici di allora consideravano questa tecnica come una misura terapeutica di grande valore. Secondo un testo apocrifo, Gesù Cristo, che avrebbe appreso l'arte della guarigione secondo l'insegnamento della comunità essenica, considerava il potere dell'acqua altamente purificatore. Ippocrate "il padre della medicina" (V-IV secolo a.C.), Galeno (II secolo d.C.) e Ambroise Paré (XVI secolo) perorarono in favore dell'utilizzazione terapeutica del lavaggio intestinale. Ambroise Paré, in particolare, fu il primo a descrivere l'irrigazione totale del colon.
In Germany at the end of the nineteenth century the "Subacquale Innenbad" was widely used, and early twentieth century, Brosch, MD, had already developed the "Enerocleaner", the forerunner of the current equipment. But in the United States that hydrocolontherapy was brought back into vogue thanks to two medical hygienists, James W. Wiltsie, and Joseph EG Waddington. They announced: "The abnormal function of the intestinal duct is the precursor of many states of ill health, especially chronic diseases.
Restoring physiological intestinal elimination is often a prerequisite for restoration of health in del'eventuale general. " Nella nostra epoca, in Europa numerosi medici come Bertholet, Barishac e Schalle hanno dimostrato ripetutamente la necessità dell'igiene intestinale. Altri come la Dottoressa Kousmine hanno fatto di questa pratica una delle basi indispensabili del loro trattamento delle patologie degenerative.

La tecnica
L'idrocolonterapia è un processo di pulizia dell'intestino crasso che consiste nell'introdurvi dell'acqua dolce, tiepida e purificata, senza aggiunte di prodotti chimici o medicinali. I successivi bagni sono effettuati con dell'acqua immessa ed eliminata per mezzo di una cannula a doppia funzione introdotta rectum. The water is at a temperature ranging between 25 ° and 41 °, these temperature changes affect the faecal material adherent to the intestinal mucosa and on the same tissue reactivating their physiological reaction.
One of the reasons that may explain this phenomenon may lie in the fact that the cecum and ascending colon being two of the main points of absorption of water, bacteria and their toxins present in large numbers in this region , are likely to be absorbed in large quantities when it produces a stagnation. Moreover, this stagnation is due to congestion of the lymphatic system and portal vein, blood flow increased to produce toxins in turn a congestion of the spleen and liver on the one hand, and the vessels of the hemorrhoidal veins of the legs on the other.
engorgement of the lymph because of a high level of toxins is likely to cause in the long term, the weakening of the immune system and, by extension, upper airway disorders (angina, sinusitis, rhinitis, otitis , etc..) as well as a number of skin problems (acne, eczema, etc.).. Toxins from the gut, transported into the body by the bloodstream to be fixed preferably in places where the resistance is less organic, intoxicating progressively target cells and promoting the destabilization of the delicate balance cerebrali; quindi è qui che si deve ricercare la causa dei cambiamenti d'umore, della perdita di dinamismo (la famosa "fatica ad alzarsi") o delle diverse turbe del sistema neurovegetativo. Questo metodo, attivo sia in fase preventiva che durante la cura, è un lavaggio intestinale che agisce staccando i cumuli incollati alla mucosa stimolando contemporaneamente l'attività peristaltica e migliorando l'assorbimento dei cibi nell'intestino cieco e nel colon ascendente.
Con l'idrocolonterapia si hanno dei notevoli risultati e spesso anche la guarigione pura e semplice di numerose patologie. Questo procedimento, molto più efficace di un semplice lavaggio, pulisce interamente il colon dal retto al cieco permettendo mobility of encrusted fecal matter in the intestinal villi also for many years. Because of the long time of stagnation, these matters take on a consistency similar to that of a tire. Only the prolonged and repeated irrigation may allow them to soften in depth with the consequent elimination of those that are often outbreaks of poisoning and inflammation.

dell'idrocolonterapia The beneficial effects are manifested in various ways: Feeling of well-being resulting from the elimination of mucus, gas, undigested food particles and bowel toxins. Feeling of lightness caused by the hot water from the abdominal massage and the liberation of the intestinal mucosa. An improvement of edema, local inflammation of the colon and tissue is obtained through the removal of irritants through direct action on the cold water at the same time exerts a stimulatory effect of intestinal peristalsis.
A action on parasites of the colon and the like that is allowed by the alternation of the temperature of the water used in the sessions. Often there is a weight loss and a streamlined shape in people more cumbersome and weight gain in thin people as it is restored the balance between elimination and assimilation. The increase in abdominal tone is usually the beginning of treatment. The cysts, ovarian dysmenorrhoea, and always get better and often you get a definitive cure after treatment.
It also noted an improvement in renal function after treatment. The hydrocolontherapy thus presents a very special interest in improving the general functioning of the digestive tract. But its action is equally interesting in some specific cases such as: preparation and monitoring of washes used in the research diagnostic barium in the colon allow you to present a gut so clean and easy to read X-ray, after examining the active elimination mash di bario. Recupero più rapido del normale transito intestinale dopo anestesia totale. Azione interessante in geriatria per il suo effetto disintossicante e rinvigorente. I paraplegici traggono degli enormi vantaggi con questo sistema. Infine, sia a livello preparatorio fino al quarto mese di gravidanza, sia dopo il parto, rappresenta una misura estremamente benefica per la donna incinta.

Vi sono controindicazioni alla cura dell'idrocolonterapia?
Si, in seguito a gravi emorragie, le necrosi per irradiazione, patologie infiammatorie acute, emorroidi gravi, aderenze pelviche, ulcere con sospetta perforazione, turbe cardiache gravi, recent surgery of the colon and rectum, severe hypertension, cancers of the colon and rectum, syncope of cardiac origin, late pregnancy (after the fourth month), abdominal hernias, anal fissures and fistulas.

The intestinal flora is disturbed by this technique?
The intestinal flora consists of billions of microscopic organisms, bacteria to yeast, mold and viruses that live in the gut and which play an important role in maintaining health by ensuring the balance of 'intestinal ecosystem. Through carefully the intestinal mucosa, having been freed from the encumbrance of toxins that barrier, will increase its ability to maintain that balance. Your doctor may prescribe a supplement if necessary-bacillus acidophilus to facilitate this process.

can cause lack of electrolytes?
When the body is properly nourished with good quality nutrition that also contain sodium, potassium, magnesium and organic, the amount of electrolytes required is provided by the daily food. Alternately filling and emptying the colon with water, the hydrocolontherapy improves overall body hydration and absorption of minerals, in contrast to ordinary laxatives and washing that promote depletion of minerals and dehydration.
However, to avoid any risk, is recommended during treatment an additional contribution of minerals and vitamins. The hydrocolontherapy sweet is the only practical and effective, offering the possibility of a deep and thorough cleansing of the bowel with the removal of stagnant fecal outbreaks of pathogenic organisms. It also allows, with its action to stimulate the bowel, to give more dynamism to a sluggish colon. Finally, the process finally stops the vicious cycle dell'autointossicazione of the whole body.
Accompanied by the desire to practice healthy eating and a way of life without stress, hydrocolontherapy allows each individual to regain their health. After the colon rrigazione calls for a reinstatement of bacteria "friends" with Lactobacillus acidophilus (which is the most important bacteria of the small intestine) and the Bifido bacterium longum (important colonizers of the colon).
Taking acidophilus and bifidus improve constipation problems, provides the body with the enzyme lactase which many people are deficient, is involved in assimilation and production of B vitamins, the 'acidophilus produces Furthermore, various substances with an antibiotic, antiviral and antifungal (especially against Candida albicans). In addition, acidophilus and bifidus play an anticancer activity on and off since eliminating chemicals that can become cancerous substances (such as nitrites that are used as preservatives in foods and are transformed into nitrosamines in the intestines).
In a sample of 30 patients (22 women and 8 men) which has been taken care of recolonization and drainage continued for 4-6 weeks by taking Homeos Homeos 2 and 4, it became evident substantial benefits. The combined use of these products has allowed the improvement and restore the rhythm of peristaltic Homeos by 2 and a consolidation and a drain that the liver via the intestinal washing was reactivated Homeos 4.
the fact Homeos 2 is a regulator of intestinal function, indicated in the intestinal constipation from inertia, and atonic constipation from inadequate biliary function. The Homeos 4 is a drainage that stimulates liver function and biliary dell'epatocita. Decongestant, liver protector, is indicated in all liver disease with portal and biliary stasis.

Loredana Balconies - Surgeon (Reggio Emilia)

Monday, December 7, 2009

Yellow Mucus 1 Day Before Period

poisoning by heavy metals

TALK WITH YOUR DOCTOR noticing the first symptoms

from environmental
wrapping paper in aluminum utensils for cooking in cast iron and aluminum, anti-acid drugs for the stomach, deodorants and antiperspirants, dialysis You can impairment trovare anche nell'acqua potabile, nel sale da cucina per evitarne l'indurimento, nelle pellicole per avvolgere gli alimenti, negli utensili da cucina, negli attrezzi da lavoro, nei deodoranti, nel lievito come emulsionante, in alcuni formaggi fusi e per sbiancare la farina, negli additivi alimentari.

L’alluminio e’ un oligoelemento presente in tutto l’organismo in quantita’ variabili. Ha una azione tonica sul sistema nervoso, regola il sonno ed inibisce la sudorazione, viene utilizzato in dosi terapeutiche per combattere la atonia, l’insonnia e la lentezza di ideazione ,disturbi nello sviluppo intellettuale, difficolta’ di comprensione e disturbi della memoria, Ha una benefica azione sul sistema nervoso, ed e’ consigliato nei casi di MONGOLISMO, strascichi di enecefalopatie vacciniche, lentezza cerebrale, disturbi della memoria nelle persone anziane.. In genere il corpo riesce ad eliminare l'alluminio al 74-96%, potrebbe ostacolare l'assimilazione del fluoro, mediamente se ne assimila da 1 a 100 mg, la dose massima deve esere di 150 mg.
L’alluminio e’ comunque considerato un elemento tossico, e l’uso di antiacidi contenenti idrossido di alluminio come il MAALOX e’ sconsigliato. In genere chi e’ affetto dal MORBO di ALZHEIMER o in chi fa EMODIALISI, si trovano alte concentrazioni Aluminum, which has' resulted in the weakening of the bones, pre-senile dementia, speech disturbances and memory, brain damage. Should avoid using aluminum pots in the kitchen, especially if you cook food acid type, which can erode and melt a bit 'metal during cooking, may be other sources of aluminum baking powder with aluminum , the aluminum-based antiperspirants hydrochloride, foods treated with aluminum, as some processed cheese, some water soft, oven cleaning products. The aluminum can not 'be chelated and must be removed, with the help of magnesium, calcium, vitamin B6, while simultaneously decreasing the intake phosphorus.
Aluminium tends to accumulate in the arteries, lungs, liver, thyroid, brain.
is fixed on the bones, brain and stomach, and if 'present in toxic doses causes the following symptoms, nausea, constipation, colic, digestive spasms, leg cramps, profuse sweating, paralysis , disturbances in bone formation, senility 'early memory loss, Alzheimer's disease, some cases of psoriasis and epilepsy.
essentially weakens the digestive tract, and the whole system from mouth to anus, also from dermatological disorders, spasmi muscolari, perdita di energia, irritabilità difficoltà nella concentrazione. Può causare osteomalacia nei dializzati, l'alluminio causa in ogni caso problemi renali, paralisi motoria, intorpidimento di alcune parti del corpo con degenerazione grassa dei reni e nel fegato, infiammazione gastrointestinale, dissoluzione ossea, dolore e intorpidimento muscolare, aumentano da 2 a 5 volte l'emissione di urina.
UTILE MAGNESIO, Vitamina A e B6, ESTRATTI CORTICOSURRENALI, eliminare il rischio di intossicazione, l’alluminio non puo’ essere chelato, puo’ essere rimosso con l’aito di CALCIO, MAGNESIO, VITAMINA B6 e diminuendo contemporaneamente la assunzione del FOSFORO, è well not to drink tap water, re intoxication reduces the quantities of calcium in the blood are good who take antacids, should take 2500 mg of calcium, the same is true for alcoholics, it seems that Lou Gehrig's disease is caused by high doses of aluminum species if also associated with the manganese.
POWER, steamed beans, garlic, eggs, citrus fruits rich in vitamin C

SILVER toxic

INTOXICATION by Silver, at high concentrations competes with the copper and its links, and 'present in metal alloys, batteries, pharmaceuticals, marine organisms, in disinfectants, in the coal dust, can' give microcytic anemia, growth retardation , cardiovascular dilation, degeneration of the liver, kidney
CAN 'remove zinc, selenium, Vitamins A, C and E

related to environment, coal stoves, pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, defoliants, manufactures of glass, mirrors

SYMPTOMS, fatigue, reduced vitality ', hair loss, gastro-enteritis.
PROFITS, vitamin C and selenium
FOOD beans, legumes and foods rich in sulfur amino acids


from environmental
is used to the insignia of the Meon, in electronic devices, in some metal alloys, in steel, in the wheels of bicycles, fishing rods and in many household items.
SYMPTOMS, beryllium dust causes difficulty in breathing, lung damage, injury and fibrosis, with severe attacks the lungs.
has toxic effects, may reduce the reserves of magnesium, hinders the work of enzymes.

BISMUTH, toxic

poisoning bismuth, bismuth was once used as a stomach medicine, an excess can cause symptoms such as drowsiness, restlessness, hallucinations, confusion, difficulty in 'free speech and movement, muscle spasms, peripheral neuropathy, and liver damage.
E 'was used in the treatment of syphilis, is in some suppositories and antidiarrheal preparations,
overdose, giving symptoms similar to mental illness, with staggering gait, tremor, memory loss, impaired hearing and eyesight, space-time disturbances, visual and auditory hallucinations, the bismuth hinders the absorption of zinc.

FOOD, avoid white flour, avoid water tap the pots glazed with a high concentration of cadmium, EAT, garlic, eggs, beans, citrus fruits rich in vitamin C, lemon and orange trees. Foods rich in zinc and cadmium.
Foods that contain cadmium, raffiinato are sugar, white flour, white rice, cigarette smoke, polluted air, fresh water.
CAUSE dell’intossicazione
Fonderie di zinco, piombo e rame, acqua di rubinetto contaminata, tubi galvanizzati con cadmio, particelle di pneumatici, farina bianca, pentole smaltate, dolciumi ed insaccati, combustione di gomma, plastica e coloranti, macchine per bibite, caffe’ istantaneo e bibite alla cola ed al te’, ostriche e frutti di mare contaminati, pescherie vicine a zone industriali, olii di motore e gas di scappamento, concimi fosfatati, prodotti per l’argenteria, sigarette, fumo di tabacco, vernici industriali, alimenti carenti di zinco.
E' un minerale traccia tossico, i cui effetti vengono tenuti sotto controllo dallo zinco, nel wheat cadmium zinc ratio is 1 to 20, so it is okay to eat whole foods. Deposited in the liver and kidneys, if there is a zinc deficiency increases the accumulation of cadmium, cadmium also hinder the absorption of copper.
SYMPTOMS junkie '. Hypertension, renal injury, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease, chronic bronchitis in smokers, emphysema, loss of appetite, decreased sense of smell, which is responsible for cancerous tumors decreased longevity 'due to cell poisoning.
You can fight with the intake of silicon, seaweed combine al cadmio e lo eliminano, squilibri tra cadmio e zinco provocano diminuzione dello sperma, causa ipertensione, e disturbi cardiaci ed ossei, chi è iperteso ha il 40% di Cadmio nelle urine, il processo di avvelenamento è molto lento si deposita nei reni, nelle arterie, aumentando la pressione e causando l'arteriosclerosi, il FUMO, contiene quantità notevoli di CADMIO, un pacchetto di sigarette contiene da 2 a 4 mlg di cadmio che si deposita nei polmoni, e rimane anche nell'aria, e causa ENFISEMA POLMONARE, dosi elevate causano AMEMIA, proteinuria, aminociduri
UTILI vitamina C ed E, Selenio, zinco, vitamina B6.

FOOTBALL intoxication

E 'or due to an excessive intake of this mineral or metabolic problems or a Magnesium deficiency and selenium, it is not 'negligible that there is an excess of vitamin D, or a lack of vitamin C, necessary for the synthesis of collagen, or a zinc-copper imbalance. The organs are involved are the thyroid and parathyroid, adrenal cortex,
risks associated with excess calcium
OSTEOLISI, OSTEOPOROSI di tipo II, diffusa tra gli anziani, calcificazioni cutanee, fratture, aumento del colesterolo e dei trigliceridi, rischio di infarto del miocardio, pseudo menopausa, ipersecrezione insulinica, in GENERE un LIVELLO SUPERIORE DI CALCIO, significa che il CALCIO E'’CARENTE nelle OSSA, ed e'’scarsamente disponibile nelle sue biofunzioni, da qui la necessita’ di dare dei SUPPLEMENTI di CALCIO, sotto forma di CALCIO ORODATO, con la contemporanea somministrazione di MANGANESE, sintesi della tiroxina, ZINCO, RAME, MAGNESIO, VITAMINA A, C, ed E.

CROMO intossicazione

AS THE CHROME AND 'to toxic levels
Typically, the chromium and high' due to the ingestion of the mineral-rich foods such as beer, brewer's yeast, whole grains, mushrooms, but can 'also be due to contamination from industrial hexavalent chromium such as paints, lithographic materials, dyes, cement dust, very toxic. Removing the source, usually return to normal values.

phosphorus poisoning

Nearly all the phosphorus in the body and' stored in the skeleton and teeth, where together with the calcium and magnesium, is a triad which must always be in balance. Phosphorus and 'also in liquids and soft tissues, blood cells ..., and is an important component of brain tissue, without phosphorus and' impossible to absorb vitamins such as B2, riboflavin, niacin B3 and carbohydrate metabolism is partially compromise. Phosphorus and 'best absorbed in an acid medium and in the presence of vitamin D. Even vitamins A and F are able to enhance the presence of phosphorus. The administration of antacids, made from aluminum hydroxide and magnesium reduces the Adsorbed phosphorus, as is the lack of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. More 'goal' of the phosphorus is lost by the refining of sugar and foods.

iodine poisoning

Lo iodio viene assorbito dall’intestino tenue e trasportato nel sangue, il 30%, si indirizza alla tiroide,, le altre percentuali vanno alle ghiandole salivari, alle mammelle, nella mucosa e nei succhi gastrici, mentre il residuo viene secreto con le urine La carenza di iodio puo’ manifestarsi con il gusto metallico in bocca, con il gozzo, degrado della acutezza mentale, capelli secchi, problemi alla cute e alle unghie, ai denti, disturba ogni tipo di crescita, malassorbimento dei carboidrati, mancata conversione del carotene in vitamina A, Indurimento delle arterie per accumulo di colesterolo, ridotta resistenza alla polio, la carenza di iodio diminuisce la sintesi di immunoglobulina G, aumenta la azione nefasta dei nitrati, dei tiocianati e dello iodio radioattivo, costituendo un fattore di rischio di CANCRO dello STOMACO.

MERCURIO intossicazione

Si trova nella biosfera, nei pesticidi e nei pesci di grandi dimensioni, arriva nei laghi, nei
fiumi, nei mari, negli oceani attraverso gli scarichi industriali, si usa nelle otturazioni dentali, alcuni lassativi, si può avere accumulo nel tessuto e nel cervello, provoca riduzione di zinco, si trova anche in alcuni cosmetici.
Combustione di carbone, amalgami dentari, accumulatori, pile, unguenti e cosmetici, funghicidi e pesticidi, carte ed adesivi, pellicole fotografiche, feltri ed indumenti, antisettici, cere per parquet, pitture ad acqua, concimi chimici, lampade al neon, pesci di mare pescati in zone contaminate, maneggiamento di prodotti derivati dal petrolio, barometri, termometri.
SINTOMI da intossicazione
Disturbo delle funzioni cerebrali, sensibilita’ emotiva inusuale, astenia, perdita dell’appetito, perdita di peso, disturbi visivi, paralisi, convulsioni, perdita della sensazione di dolore, albuminuria da lesioni renali, infiammazione delle gengive, difficolta’ ad ingerire e a masticare, perdita di coordinamento, di lucidità intellettuale, disturbi alla vista e all'udito, rossore, irritazioni, formazione di vesciche sulla pelle, l'inalazione provoca dolori al torce, febbre, tosse e brividi, nella intossicazione cutanea, si ha salivazione eccessiva stomatite, diarrea, tremori, vertigini, irritabilità, cambiamenti di umore e depressione, psicosi, perdita dei denti, insonnia. stanchezza, emicrania, intorpidimento delle labbra, delle mani, dei piedi, perdita della memoria, 500 milligrammi can be fatal unless it is not treated immediately, can be treated with penicillamine, a chelating agent
Eliminate the cause of poisoning, mercury, selenium, in contrast, vitamin C, E, A, which reduce the toxic effects, which neutralizes football and facilitates the elimination, LECITHIN. Foods rich in sulfur amino acids, cysteine, foods rich in vitamin C and selenium, apples and beans steamed.

NICKEL intoxication

fats and hydrogenated oils, margarine, salad dressings, refined foods, seafood, cereals, in buckwheat, oats, legumes, seeds, in cabbage
It 's a vital trace minerals, has a function on the metabolism of hormones, lipids, and membrane integrity of the cell, activates certain enzymes in the liver and participates in glucose metabolism, DNA and the amount you have RNA, is found in fuels in cigarette smoke, fertilizers, in the exhaust gases. The kidneys regulate the amount of nickel, the use of steel tools stainless steel for cooking, may contain nickel and go to the food more acidic.
At high doses is toxic, can cause myocardial infarction, stroke, uterine cancer, burns, toxemia of pregnancy, attention to the earrings that contain nickel, iron or dentists, attention to SMOKE cigarette fumandone 15 per day for a year can contract lung cancer., accumulates in the liver, bones, the aorta
Headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, respiratory problems, rashes , chest pain, cough
Liver cirrhosis, chronic renal failure, excessive sweating, stress, intestinal malabsorption, causing a shortage of nickel, such failure may also aggravate the anemia caused by iron deficiency also affects the metabolism of zinc and iron, may also have liver failure, stunted growth, discoloration of skin, and reproductive problems.

LEAD toxic

E' altamente TOSSICO, la dose massima per non intossicarsi è di 1-2 milligrammi, e quindi abbiamo basse dosi di sicurezza, il piombo contenuto negli alimenti si elimina attraverso le feci, può penetrare attraverso la pelle, il tratto gastrointestinale, il piomo assimilato viene immagazzinato nelle ossa, nel sangue e nel fegato nel cervello, nelle ghiandole, nei capelli. Si trova nei contenitori smaltati a piombo. Alcuni integratori a base di farina di ossa possono contenere piombo, oppure l'acqua proveniente da ubature a base di piombo, vernici a base di piombo, fumo di sigarette, nell'insetticidi usati nella coltivazione del tabacco, gas di scarico dei motori, la benzina a base di piombo
Due to the toxicity '
exhaust gases of cars, the atmosphere of cities, lead-based paint, pollution from smelters, lead water pipes, lead pipes, batteries and accumulators of lead additives for gasoline, lacquer and glazed ceramic, welding, various coatings, pencils, paper, newspaper, tin soldiers, dust, ash, vegetables grown on the kerbside, the sale of food outdoors, along the road, insecticides, bone meal, wine, cigarettes, hair dyes, putty, lead glass, fonts, typography, building materials, plaster, ammunition, shooting accessories, workplaces of artisans, industry
SINTOMI da intossicazione sull’apparato digerente, costipazione, diarrea, perdita dell’appetito, scolorimento delle gengive, nausea, coliche. Sangue, anemia, emoglobina bassa, globuli rossi punteggiati, iperuricemia. Articolazioni e muscoli, fatica muscolare, atonia e crampi, tremori, degenerazione dei nervi motori, artriti, gotta, atrofie ossee e articolari. Cervello e nervi, ritardo mentale, depressione, irritabilita’ confusione, insonnia, mal di testa, agitazione, instabilita’ emotiva, gusto metallico in bocca, vertigini, paralisi. Iperattivita’ e difficolta’ di apprendimento nei bambini ed eccessivo nervosismo in genere.
Lead levels around 15ppm, can damage the long-term memory, cognitive function, interfere with the use of calcium, magnesium, zinc and other minerals, replacing them and damaging of these mineral activated enzymes may correlate with GOTTA SATURNIN and mental retardation in children. Lead is found in fuels, cosmetics, water and atmospheric in pollution from GLAZED DISHES, from lead crystal, the tin soldiers, from the paint, from growing in the edges of highways, the weights for fish, canned dallo9 from to darken the hair products containing lead acetate,
Coliche addominali, encefalopatia, melopatia con affezione del midollo spinale, anemia, interferisce con gli altri minerali come lo zinco, il ferro, il rame che regolano i processi mentali, alti livelli provocano anche iperattività e danni al sistema nervoso, disordini nell'apprendimento, dislessia, rallentamento dei riflessi, mancanza di coordinamento occhio-mano e problemi di comportamento. Il piombo passa dalla madre al feto se si beve acqua inquinata causando problemi mentali e fisici al bambino, nella sindrome da morte in culla si sono evidenziati alti tassi di piombo. Si hanno anche depressione, emicrania, difficoltà a concentrarsi, indebolimento della memoria, insonnia, allucinazioni, debolezza, dolori muscolari, nausea, indigestion, blue gums, paralysis of the extremities, blindness, mental illness, insanity, impotence, male infertility. The consumption of alcohol facilitates the accumulation of lead in the body in the soft tissues including the brain, severe damage to the heart, liver, kidneys and nervous system.
PROFITS, to eliminate the causes of intoxication. Administered zinc and calcium that promote the elimination of lead, this metal gradually replacing the bone calcium and the risk can 'be prevented with a diet rich in calcium. Vitamin C and Vitamin B reduces the toxicity 'lead. Lecithin, protects the nervous tissue ..
To resolve this kind of intoxication you can 'make use of a chelating agent such as vitamin C, which protects the muscles, taken from KELP sodium alginate, which protects the intestine, vitamin A, which promotes the work of many detoxifying enzymes, calcium, the magnesium, zinc and sulfur-containing amino acids such as methionine, cysteine \u200b\u200b
legumes and algae that activate the intestinal elimination of lead, garlic, beans, eggs, citrus fruits rich in vitamin C
diet of football, injections of calcium chloride, vitamin D, il calcio impedisce al piombo di accumularsi, vitamina C in dosi di 6 grammi, usare aminoacidi come la cisteina e la metionina e la fenalina. Assumere quotidianamente ALGINATO DI SODIO in piccole quantità per evitare questa forma di intossicazione, si trova nelle ALGHE KELP, perché il piombo si attacca e si elimina dall'organismo.

POTASSIO intossicazione

Il potassio elevato e’ generalmente il risultato della funzione endocrina e non dell’ingestione eccessiva. I tossici, lo stress, la malfunzione adrenale, sono le cause frequenti del Potassio elevato. Un aumento eccessivo di Potassio rispetto al calcio indica una tiroide iperfunzionante. Il POTASSIO e’ il primo catione all’interno della cellula, tuttavia il potassio extracellulare, pur se in minima quantita’ insieme al MAGNESIO, agisce sui muscoli striati e favorisce il rilassamento muscolare. Quando il POTASSIO e’ elevato espone al rischio di PARALISI.

RAME intossicazione

COPPER AND 'an essential element for human health, its presence in normal blood ranges between 80 and 110 ml microgrammi/100, it is a catalyst for vitamin C which acts on the shortcomings of calcium, iron also allows you to fixate on hematite, and 'a regulator and protects the thyroid and adrenal stress through the action of ceruloplasmin, which destroys the biogenic amines released at the time of stress, the recommended daily doses from 2 to 5 mg, minimum requirements 30 mcg / kg
intoxication causes acid fresh water, swimming pools, drinks machines, water tanks algicides, hemodialysis, contraceptive coils, pillole contraccetive uso prolungato, condotti di acqua in rame, utensili da cucina in rame
SINTOMI da tasso elevato di rame, malattia di Wilson, coronaropatie del gruppo A, depressione e nervosismo, psicosi, autismo infntile, schizofrenia istaminopenica, insonnia, ipercinesi infantile, disturbi della percezione, arteriosclerosi, ipertensione, disturbi epatici, renali, malattie del collagene, artriti, poliartrite reumatica, malattie emicraniche, cancri, leucemie, carenze di zinco, sindrome da stress, senilita’, anemia ferropriva, tubercolosi, tossiemia gravidica
UTILI per, eliminare la causa della intossicazione, vitamina C e B6, zinco, manganese, molibdeno, methionine and extracts costicosurrenali.


It' s a trace element essential, is associated with vitamin E, necessary for its proper absorption and utilization. Selenium is of particular importance in the immune system, as a protective for certain cancers, prevents the breakdown of cartilage, acting as an antioxidant, and 'a powerful antidote chelating the toxicity 'of Cadmium and Mercury, then protects against cardiovascular risks, controlling the levels of coenzyme Q10, required for the mitochondria of the myocardium. Selenium deficiency can 'increase the retention of calcium in soft tissues, the bioavailability' Se and 'controlled dall'amminoacido L-methionine.

sodium poisoning

Usually a aumewnto sodium si accompagna ad un aumento di Potassio sistemico. Se non c’e’ aumento di Potassio, e’ probabile che ci sia una eccessiva ingestione di sale con gli alimenti o con l’acqua depurata Il metabolismo del Sodio e’ regolato dai mineralcorticoidi della corteccia surrenale. Se la ritenzione di sodio aumenta, la secrezione di ALDOSTERONE tende a far diminuire il CALCIO ed il MAGNESIO. Troppo sodio rispetto al MAGNESIO, puo’ provocare una iperfunzione surrenalica Quando il SODIO e’ troppo elevato puo’ interferire con vari gradi di coordinazione, ma i sintomi clinici non sono generalmente osservati finche i livelli non superano le due deviazioni standard. Spesso le condizioni cliniche continuano per quasi un mese dopo l’inizio Sodium reductive therapy, typically a high level of sodium and 'a result of stress, allergies, the toxic, and it' s the first sign of possible changes in adrenal function.

vanadium poisoning

Typically, the excess of vanadium and 'due to genetic causes, usually by 90% is excreted in the urine. It is in the petroleum, industrial, in food and water.
generally and 'related to manic depression, inhibits MAO monoamine oxidase, brain and interferes with the sodium and potassium and the synthesis of ATP, since it damages the mind. It 'been shown that vitamin C reduces or eliminates these clinical conditions.

ZINC less

Zinc enters the establishment of a score of enzymes, including Idras CARBON, indispensable per la produzione di HSL nello stomaco, gli enzimi pancreatici, proteinasi, amilasi .. e influenza almeno altri 80 enzimi, necessari per la sintesi del DNA e dell’RNA, inibite in assenza di zinco e proteiche in genere Lo zinco controlla la sintesi del progesterone. Ridotte quantita' di zinco possono produrre alterazioni nel metabolismo degli amminoacidi contenenti ZOLFO e SELENIO, interferrire con il metabolismo del RAME di cui e' un antagonista e di conseguenza con il FERRO, ci possono essere ritardi nella crescita, disturbi ormonali, dismenorrea, ipertrofia prostatica, macchie bianche nelle unghie e nelle dita, inattivazione della vitamina A, per l’acuita’ visiva notturna, rallentamenti nella rimarginazione delle ferite, perdita di sensitivity 'to the taste, demonstrated by the use of salt and spices. The neoplastic cells showed a marked reduction of zinc. Zinc supplements must be balanced with that of copper, Vitamin A and Vitamin B6.


proteins, which play an important role for the skin, muscles, blood, internal organs, hair, nails, are determninanti, growth and sexual development

Un eccessivo consumo di proteine animali provoca un maggior rischio di malattie CARDIACHE, RENALI, e TUMORI, osteoporosi, hanno un effetto negativo sul METABOLISMO del CALCIO.

Fonte: erboristeria ed altro