Sunday, November 29, 2009

Lots Of Milky Creamy Cm Before Af?

intestinal dysbiosis


L'intestino, data la sua notevole estensione di contatto con le sostanze alimentari che vi transitano ( circa 300 metri quadrati di superficie ) è perhaps the most important of the four organs of elimination that the body has (the other three are: skin, lungs, kidneys). In the colon, the segment of bowel between the small intestine from the ileocecal valve and the rectum, accumulate the residue of the food bolus and closed thanks to the digestion of the bacterial flora that is normally found. Here are absorbed many important substances: water, carbohydrates, and many medications. The Eubiosia is balanced equilibrium between microorganisms and the host that contains them. This is the normal situation was symbiotic microecologica the body and, in this case, the bowel. The intestinal flora plays important functions, prima fra tutte la protezione delle placche di Peyer ( una importante frazione del sistema immunitario ). Quando l'equilibrio batterico intestinale viene alterato abbiamo la disbiosi, cioè una condizione in cui sono presenti batteri intestinali abnormi, ma sotto certi aspetti anche questa è una condizione molto comune. La flora batterica intestinale, è composta per il 95% di batteri anaerobi e per il restante 5 % da batteri aerobi

I batteri and intestine

A direct relationship exists between the activity of bacteria and colonic transit time. In case of delayed colonic transit, or constipation, the stools are too dry (the colonic absorption of water is the order of 900 to 1400 ml. Within 24 hours) and lactobacilli disappear. Since lactobacilli are part of the so-called intestinal flora "acid" which is a natural barrier against bacteria of putrefaction that grow best in alkaline medium, their disappearance allows the disappearance of the barrier acid. The bacterial flora is reduced, the seeds rot back into the small intestine and cause bloating and putrefactive phenomena responsible for the production of amine compounds. The ptomaine, which are extremely toxic.
The current poor diet with excess sugar and meat, poor mastication related to food ingested too quickly, are responsible for intestinal protein-rich materials ill-digested, that predispose to the development of an aggressive bacterial ( in particular Clostridium perfrigens ).
From maldigerite these proteins, several amino acids undergo a process of decarboxylation, which produces toxic amines: histamine, histidine, tyrosine, tyramine lysine cadaverine putrescine ornithine arginine agmatine cystine and cysteine \u200b\u200bmercaptan tryptophan Many of these amines are potent poisons vasoconstrictors, and indole skatole (metilindolo) substances are largely responsible for the particular smell of feces.

diseases of the colon
The common diseases of the colon are mainly due to: - Power imbalanced - No of exercise - Stress These diseases can in turn be divided as follows:
1. Acute: - diarrhea, colitis, constipation - Chronic inflammation - rot - decrease of lactobacilli
2. Chronic diseases: - diverticula, polyps, sigmoiditis - toxins of putrefaction - increased permeability of the intestinal mucosa

reports balance of bacterial flora
There seems to be a physiological balance between the group of symbiotic bacteria acidophilus and bifid-coliform organisms. If coliform bacteria predominate then there a tendency to move up the gut flora to the small intestine, where the predominant group of acidophilus-bifida (which are known as lactic acid fermentation), then the coliform bacteria are no longer able to function properly, as the intestinal pH should be slightly alkaline (5.5 - 6) and changes due to excessive production of acid by lactic acid fermentation organisms.
If the bacterial flora is abnormal or unbalanced the gastro-intestinal mucosa becomes abnormally permeable, allowing the absorption of proteins and fragmented, inadequately absorb toxins from the bowel contents. The 5.82% of dysbiosis are characterized by alterations Escherichia coli while 54.18% have an almost total lack of lactobacilli.

The intestinal dysbiosis
intestinal dysbiosis is an extra weight to bear for the patient already ill and may be the biggest obstacle to solving its problems. In other words, dysbiosis can produce a secondary disease. If we recall that the gastro-intestinal mucosa has a large surface area and thus a great capacity for absorption of toxins, as necessarily happens in dysbiosis, is not something surprising that the consequences of dysbiosis are manifold.

Cause della disbiosi
- Utilizzo di antibiotici, corticosteroidi, estroprogestinici, uso indiscriminato di lassativi. - Alimentazione insufficiente dal punto di vista qualitativo e soprattutto con associazione - carboidrati, proteine , frutta, nello stesso pasto, diete carenti di fibra. - Malattie organiche e funzionali del canale gastroenterico (infezioni intestinali e parassitosi ) ed - anche disfunzioni del fegato e del pancreas (perché alterano il ph intestinale). - Radioterapia e chemioterapia . - Malattie infettive acute. - Cause inquinanti: coloranti alimentari, conservanti, pesticidi, ormoni steroidei alimentari. - Repentini cambiamenti della dieta. - Variazioni climatiche. 

Funzione dei batteri intestinali
I batteri intestinali possono sintetizzare le vitamine, il batterio bifido produce la B1, l'ESCHERICHIA COLI produce le vitamine B1, B2, B6, acido nicotinico, acido pantotenico, acido folico, vitamina B12, vitamina K, biotina. Nelle disbiosi la maggior parte delle vitamine prese per bocca, sia nel cibo che come integratore alimentare, sarà assorbita dalla anomala flora batterica con conseguente ipovitaminosi.

Malattie nelle quali la disbiosi è riconosciuta come causa principale or favoring

- Erectile liver bile ducts and pancreas - Diarrhea or constipation - Acne, eczema, allergic diseases (asthma, hay fever, hives, etc..) - Anemia - Rheumatism - nervous exhaustion associated with pain head, irritability, and excessive fatigue - Depression - hypovitaminosis - Fungal infections, particularly Candida - general lack of resistance and susceptibility to recurrent infections. Flatulence.
1) Slowing of intestinal transit 2) Food maldigeriti: insufficient chewing excess fat excess protein excess sugar 3) Anxiety - nervousness - Constipation.
constipation is defined as a allungamento del tempo di transito intestinale superiore a 12 - 16 ore. Qualsiasi occasione di stitichezza determina un incremento di tossine prodotte nell'intestino, in particolare ad opera delle flora putrefattiva su residui proteici maldigeriti Questo può portare a livello: - ORL infezioni a ripetizioni - Epatico emicranie, nevralgie - Cutaneo dermatiti e dermatosi - Urinario cistiti - del sangue stato di acidosi Principali fattori causali: - carenza fibre alimentari - riduzione secrezione biliare - ridotta assunzione di acqua - stress - scarso esercizio fisico ( specie dei muscoli addominali ) Ulcere e fistole anali Quasi sempre secondarie a irritazione della mucosa per: - Emorroidi - Feci irritanti ( ph) - Carenze vitaminico-minerali Emorroidi Condizione di stasi venosa nelle vene emorroidali del retto e dell'ano. - Stitichezza - congestione epatica o ipertensione portale debolezza vascolare generale.

In caso di emorroidi pensare quindi alla coppia: Fegato/intestino e sistema vascolare  - Diarrea Evacuazioni numerose e rapide di feci liquide. E' da intendersi come un meccanismo difensivo dell'organismo per eliminare un eccesso di tossine prodottesi nel colon di cui irritano le pareti, o per un eccesso di tossine provenienti da un altro organo. 

Principali fattori causali
- Sovraccarico alimentare ( grassi, proteine, zuccheri raffinati ) - Carenza di enzimi digestivi ( alimenti maldigeriti ) - Farmaci irritanti ( es. antiinfiammatori ) - Putrefazioni o fermentazione eccessive - Paura, ansietà A seconda del livello intestinale interessato tenue : feci un po' vischiose e giallastre ceco : feci schiumose, acide e giallastre colon sinistro : feci brunastre Parassitosi intestinale - Proliferazione intestinale di parassiti : ossiuri, lamblia - Alimenti infestati - Colon indebolito Sintomi clinici - colite, diarrea - emicranie, nausee, stanchezza, nervosismo, irritabilità e prurito.

La tossiemia intestinale
Fonte dell'autointossicazione organica La tossiemia intestinale è una forma di avvelenamento del sangue e della linfa che è dovuto all'assorbimento di tossine o di microrganismi da parte delle cellule danneggiate della mucosa intestinale. Numerosi sono quelli che avanzano l'ipotesi che è necessario che vi sia distruzione della membrana mucosa perché i batteri e le tossine possano entrare nel sistema sanguigno e linfatico. Tuttavia è stato dimostrato che le proteine, gli idrati di carbonio, i sali, i minerali e simili sono facilmente assorbiti dal colon. Certe forme di alimentazione aumentano la permeabilità della mucosa intestinale come viene dimostrato dalla Dottoressa Catherine Kousmine e dalla Medicina Antroposofica di Rudolph Steiner e dal Prof. Arnold Ehret .
Dunque, i batteri and poisons are capable of penetrating the blood and lymphatic circulation in these conditions of "normal life". The extraordinary amount of bacteria in the colon of these are the primary source of outbreaks of infection in the body. Intestinal stasis, a condition created by the very slow passage of intestinal contents, increases systemic absorption of bacteria and toxins. As a result of intestinal disorders can arise infections located away from the colon itself: teeth, cavities, tonsil and prostate.
An intoxicated and atonic intestine may be responsible for diseases that appear to have no direct relationship with it. Dr. Sexton, a great American specialist, says the rot bowel results in a reduction of the potential immune and defense mechanisms. It also suggests that the flora can become pathogenic when the stagnation and decay become chronic. The metabolism of bacterial toxins penetrate the blood flow and infect other organs. He discovered that bacteria such as streptococci and staphylococci, natural inhabitants of the colon, are responsible for widespread general diseases such as arthritis, acne, hypertension, headaches and psoriasis because of their excessive increase in period of intestinal toxemia. These data were established after following 314 cases for issues of colitis.
Dr. Bassler describes situations in which undesirable substances to the body essential nutrients are absorbed from the intestine and not at all. He says that this can lead to malnutrition, an intestinal toxemia generating diarrhea, constipation, colitis, acute and chronic. Dr. Wiltsie, renewing with Dr. Waddington dell'idrocolonterapia considers that the autonomic nervous system disorders are an essential cause of intestinal toxemia. These problems can be of three types:

Turbe central nervous system
Many people nervous, anxious and stressed by modern life, work and live by virtue of their nervous energy. This permanent tension retained by means of exciting, stimulating, anti-depressants and other support chemicals, generates anxiety and gastrointestinal problems such as chronic constipation, and spasms of the colon. Every attack causes weakening in the short term by establishing a general intestinal poisoning.

Turbe home endocrine
An unstable sympathetic nervous system causes an adrenaline rush even when the stimulus is mild, followed by a colon causing spasmodic vagotonic. Disorders of psychic origin unconsciously, sometimes an individual chooses to be sick to get attention. In this case, the best therapy is a therapy d'ordine psicologico. Il sistema nervoso autonomo può certamente causare danni importanti all'equilibrio psichico ed alla stessa salute.
In questo preciso caso è possibile associare delle sedute di idrocolonterapia a delle sedute di psicoterapia. Disordini del sistema nervoso autonomo così come le infezioni localizzate, le allergie e le carenze nutrizionali possono causare una tossiemia cronica. I vari cambiamenti nelle vicinanze dell'intestino intaccano direttamente o indirettamente il funzionamento del colon creando delle modificazioni nel metabolismo dei batteri che vi risiedono che possono aumentare di numero aggravando la situazione oppure fermare la loro azione e ciò comporterebbe un disordine funzionale della produzione of vitamins B and K, the bowel or mineral absorption, this leads a chronic intestinal toxemia if untreated primary infection.
If this is not done, it will allow poisons and toxins from entering back into the portal system and to return to the liver. The liver can be weakened to the point that an increase in pressure in the portal vein may infiltrate into the infected blood in the hemorrhoidal anastomosis through the iliac veins and grooves resulting in poisoning of the general circulation of the body. The blood reaching the liver is not totally clean, then the toxins penetrate deeper into the general circulation.

intestinal toxemia and allergies
Some individuals may become allergic to certain elements of their own intestinal flora. Dr. Traut showed the relationship between arthritis and allergy isolating streptococci blood to 70% of his patients with arthritis. For Dr. Waddington, the most common cause of arthritis is the absorption of bacteria in the gut that generate putrefaction. Dr. Wiltsie contends that the allergy is the cause of the infections that cause a slow or poorly developed immunity. Declares that these patients, as well as others, may improve or recover completely through dell'idrocolonterapia, an adequate feed, rest and relaxation. Intestinal intoxication caused by allergy to certain foods that can not disappear without consuming them. Desensitization and immunity are generally inadequate to treat such diseases.

fecal stasis, the leading cause of poisoning
Stasis, solely due to mechanical causes, is a factor that predisposes to a chronic intestinal intoxication. The infrequent and irregular bowel movements produce changes that slow the progression of faecal matter and thus create new conditions of stasis. Intestinal poisoning can also be exacerbated by nutritional deficiencies such as water, protein, minerals, salts and vitamins (fast food restaurants, recently reported by the WHO, are a prime example of poor nutritional value).
The nutrition and its relationship with metabolic activity, its absorption, daily necessity and its use can all be possible causes of weakness in food processing. A malfunction in any of these levels can trigger a intestinal poisoning. A colon inactive inevitably a change in the intestinal flora, creating a large-scale production of toxins. Under normal conditions there is inside the large intestine no absorption so rapid as in the small intestine and stomach. However, during the fecal stasis, or septicemia, there is a gas pressure increased strongly related to inflammation. Under these conditions of extreme pressure and abnormal mucosa making a considerable absorption of bacteria and their poisons. The presence of these toxins at the cellular level reduces the strength of any body and every body tissue.


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