Sunday, November 29, 2009

La Boxing, Membership Cost

detoxify our body naturally

This endogenous toxicity (Internal) can also be caused by the effects of exogenous toxins (external) that contribute to malnutrition and the inhibition of digestion because of the damage caused to the nervous system, immune system, and the enzyme system.
There are 70,000 chemicals that are used in commercial production in the U.S.. The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) has classified 65,000 of them as potentially, if not definitely hazardous to human health. More than 6,000 new chemicals are tested in the U.S. each week!

Three thousand chemicals have been identified as additives, deliberately added to food and more than 700 drinking water.
during processing and packaging of food, more than altri10.000 compounds can become an integral part of many commonly used foods. It seems that one of the major symptoms of chemical poisoning and the collapse of immune function, which promotes all kinds of symptoms in the body. Another major symptom is damage to the nervous system and nervousness.

not come immediately rewarded with radiant good health and prosperity not just change our bad habits. " The large increase of chemicals in our environment, foods and drugs ha modificato di molto la capacità del corpo di liberarsi delle tossine da solo. Spesso, il recupero della salute e il miglioramento della dieta causano sintomi spiacevoli. Le persone che stanno cercando davvero la salute devono decidere di "sacrificare" i vecchi confortevoli schemi e abitudini alimentari per essere ricompensati con buona salute. Non passa molto tempo prima che scoprano che dopo avere migliorato la loro dieta, si sentono talvolta molto peggio (temporaneamente).
Una lamentela comune è, "devo davvero passare attraverso tutto questo?" Stanno passando attraverso ciò che è chiamata disintossicazione. La salute malferma e la malattia sono progressive; non si verifica all in one night. The health and welfare are also progressive, it can take weeks, months or years. People using mobile phones has increased considerably during the past decade, and is still growing. According to the Mobile Telecommunications Industry Association (CTIA,) there are currently (2002) more than 110 million mobile phone users in the United States. This number is growing at a rate of about 46,000 new subscribers a day. Experts predict that by 2005 there will be more than 1.26 billion mobile phone users worldwide.
A study by scientists in Finland found that mobile phone radiation can cause changes in certain human cells that may affect the brain. The study at Finland's Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority has found that exposure to radiation from mobile phones may cause un'incremento of hundreds of proteins in human cells grown in the laboratory.
Nonetheless the study, whose initial findings were published in June 2002 in the journal Differenzation, raises new questions about whether mobile phone radiation can weaken the brain's protective barrier to stop harmful substances. ;
The studio si è concentrato sui cambiamenti nelle cellule che rivestono i vasi sanguigni per verificare se tali cambiamenti potrebbero indebolire il funzionamento della barriera sanguigna cerebrale, che impedisce a sostanze potenzialmente nocive di affluire nel cervello dal flusso sanguigno. Hanno scoperto anche che un'ora di esposizione alle radiazioni dei telefoni mobili ha causato il restringimento di cellule umane in cultura.

I ricercatori credono che il restringimento sia innescato da una reazione che normalmente avviene solo quando una cellula è danneggiata. In una persona, tali cambiamenti potrebbero disattivare meccanismi di sicurezza che impediscono a sostanze nocive di affluire nel cervello dal flusso sanguigno. I cambiamenti prodotti dalle radiazioni sulle cellule potrebbero interferire anche con il processo di morte normale di apoptosis (naturale processo in cui una cellula si disintrega dopo aver raggiunto una certa età o dopo essere stata danneggiata).
Se le cellule che sono "programmate" per morire non lo fanno, possono formarsi dei tumori. 

Lo studio ha scoperto che una proteina chiamata hsp27 relazionata con il funzionamento della barriera cerebrale-sanguigna ha mostrato un'accresciuta attività dovuta all'irradiazione e ha indicato la possibilità che tale attività possa rendere la barriera più permeabile. L'accresciuta attività della proteina could make the cells do not restrict blood vessels but the cells and thus may appear between the cells of the tiny openings through which some molecules could pass.

cycles Body

Life is a series of cycles of energy production, storage and issue. This cycle is generally characterized by all living organisms, single-celled dall'alga man. In nature, everything looks the cycle of 24 hours of the day. All creatures, the elephant Østre, follow a daily pattern of movement and rest, activity and sleep.
There are biological rhythms within the body that require periods of repair tissues, tissue growth, removal of debris, etc. .. Body temperature, blood pressure, brain activity, hormone levels, and many other factors obey this rhythm, which scientists call circadian.
Circadian rhythms are a combination di interazioni di un orologio interno e di segnali esterni del magnetismo terrestre, campi elettrici, campi gravitazionali e radiazioni cosmiche, oltre al movimento di altri pianeti. Ognuno dei dodici meridiani dell'agopuntura nel nostro corpo ha un periodo di 2 ore di attività più intensa, per un totale di 24 ore il ciclo circadiano della rotazione della terra.

Il corpo ha bio-ritmi di 14 giorni per il nostro stato fisico, 28 giorni per il nostro stato emotivo e 33 giorni per per il nostro stato mentale. La guarigione si verifica in cicli. Alcuni giorni il corpo ha un alto livello di energia e ricostruisce i tessuti danneggiati. In tali giorni, possiamo sentirci in eccellenti condizioni. On other days, the body must do its detoxification by eliminating toxins. When this happens, we may experience low energy levels or even depression. Most people lead a lifestyle and a diet that inhibits the body in its cyclical activities. For example, when the body is cleaning up by a cold, people become impatient.
Try to eliminate the cycle of purification with drugs or food and the body must abandon its efforts. The body and leads the process of detoxification can have a series of ups and downs. One day may bring substantial elimination of toxins and we feel terrible. The next day, the toxins have been eliminated and we are exceptionally good.
We feel so good, in fact, that the body decides to dig a little 'deeper to eliminate some of the toxins older, and therefore we feel worse. This is the continuous cycle of healing.

Once you have reached a certain level of health, we do not notice the cycles so evident as progressive causes less discomfort.
The body experiences an increase in the detoxification and healing crisis at every change of season. Notice how it seems that people si ammali in quei particolari periodi dell'anno. Digiunare per 7-10 giorni ad ogni cambiamento di stagione viene praticato da chi capisce i giovamenti ottenuti aiutando il corpo durante questi momenti naturali di disintossicazione.  

La saggezza infinita del corpo 

Il nostro corpo vuole vivere per sempre; vuole essere libero da tutto il dolore e dalla malattia; desidera ardentemente che la guarigione completa avvenga per sempre. Il nostro corpo è il nostro amico e il nostro partner nello sforzo di recuperare salute. Il corpo ha la capacità innata, knowledge, and wisdom to heal at any time if allowed to do so.

The body has its own healing ability and wisdom to direct this capacity. The only thing we have to do is allow the body to do its job with less interference as possible. We can deliver the highest quality raw foods when they need it or abstain from food when not required.
We can exercise and rest, and give fresh air and sunlight. Aside from that, all we can really do is wait patiently and intelligently and not alarmed about the symptoms of its healing and groped to suppress those symptoms even if we are treating a heart disease, cancer, AIDS, or any other degenerative condition.

If you trust in your body's ability to heal, the unpleasant symptoms that can accompany this healing, become more tolerable and are no longer a source of fear or doubt. Finally, we must allow our bodies to perform the work to restore health to its own rhythm.

The doctor is authentic inner the body alone is capable of performing all the functions needed healing. Intelligence cell that drives the body has infinite capacity. We should not have any fear of his wisdom or his ability to restore the highest possible level of health and wellness.
The human body is contaminated or intoxicates both sources external (exogenous) or from internal sources (endogenous).
The most common external sources of poisoning are finding their way through: inhalation (smoking, air pollution, dental amalgam fillings, buildings made with unhealthy materials), ingestion (chemical additives in foods, chemicals in the water and drugs) injection (vaccinations, injection of various drugs, tattoos), absorption (chemicals from synthetic fabrics, paints, plastics, pesticides and chemical fertilizers sprayed on lawns), radiation (X rays, nuclear power plants, tests of various bombs, residues of uranium mines, bridges, repeaters and mobile phones, computer monitors and television sets, microwave ovens, power plants and traditional broadcasting and satellite).
The internal sources of intoxication consist of fermentation of undigested food consumed by the decaying and rancid, dehydration, malnutrition and negative thoughts and emotions.


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