Sunday, November 29, 2009

Brazilian Wax, How Frequent

The right training



The physiological processes in which the body uses to produce useful energy in the movement are mainly two:

1. ANAEROBIC (without oxygen) that uses the energy produced from glycogen and dall'adenosintrifosfato, substances present in muscle fibers, may be respectively alactacid lactate or, depending on whether or not to form lactic acid in muscles, and is activated but intense efforts of short duration, generally not exceeding one minute.

2. AEROBIC (with oxygen) that uses the energy produced by oxidation of fatty acids present in fatty tissues of the body, which is activated very intense efforts for a long period of time but steadily. In reality the division is not so rigid, in fact, during a typical aerobic performance sports such as running or cycling, you can have peaks of effort that also activate anaerobic metabolism, such as sprints and climbs, with production of lactic acid and muscle fatigue.

Conversely predominantly anaerobic exercise as well gli esercizi con i pesi, può diventare aerobica, quando, per esempio, si eseguono gli esercizi in circuito senza pause, oppure quando le serie vengono intervallate da un esercizio aerobico come la corsa lenta o la cyclette. 


E' senz'altro quello più indicato per smaltire il grasso in eccesso, più si protrae nel tempo più si consumano calorie. I parametri di valutazione della qualità del lavoro svolto sono la durata e la frequenza cardiaca. Tuttavia, l'approccio deve essere molto graduale, specialmente per le persone molto sovrappeso e sedentarie, il cui cuore require close attention to adapt without risk to health.

For this reason, regardless of the type of activity choice, or its duration, should be able to monitor your heart rate both at rest and during exercise, in order to maximize the effort and exercise duration on the basis of personal characteristics.

The most representative aerobic outdoor sports activities are: jogging, running, cycling, skiing, etc.. The most representative in the gym, are: aerobics, dance, spinning, combat sports, etc.. Finally there are those that can be performed either indoors or outdoors, in this category are almost all team sports with a ball, swimming and all activities which may be implemented in circuit training. The resting heart rate and 'what the body has in supine position (belly up), and generally relaxed for a sedentary person in good health, is around 70 beats per minute. Being a value influenced by your lifestyle, it must be determined, by the arithmetic mean of at least three readings on different days, carried out with the body lying on the bed, just woken up in the morning.

Each collection will be made (in the absence of a heart rate monitor) on the pulse with the forearms resting on his chest, so you can see the timing of a clock, and mentally counting the beats of the heart for a period of two or three minutes, then dividing the number of beats it by the number of minutes of observation.
The tendency to return to the vicinity of this value shortly after the end of challenging workouts is a sign of good resilience, conversely, the excessively slow in lowering the FC shows inadequate resilience or intensity of training too .
The maximum heart rate and 'the one that presents the body in a position of maximum stress during the practice of cardiopulmonary physical activity. Because it is highly inadvisable and dangerous to undergo a similar test of stress, especially if overweight or without food with a good level of sport, this value is generally calculated on the basis of their age with the following formula: max. FC = 220 - age, for example, a person of 46 years will have a theoretical value of maximum heart rate of 220 - 46 = 174 beats per minute. The maximum heart rate is a benchmark that should never be exceeded by those whose activities are amateur sports.

Oltrepassare questo limite è possibile, ma espone la persona al rischio di infortuni cardiaci, perchè il cuore tende perdere efficienza e, oltre ad avere difficoltà a garantire un adeguato ricambio di sangue nei vari distretti corporei, rischia di non riuscire ad irrorare se stesso in modo adeguato, con le ovvie conseguenze paragonabili a quelle di un motore che viene spinto fuori giri. La frequenza cardiaca di allenamento E' quella che in base al proprio fisico, obiettivo e tipologia di allenamento è consigliabile mantenere nel corso di una sessione di allenamento. Ovviamente la determinazione più appropriata di questi valori si dovrebbe effettuare con una serie di test nel corso di diversi allenamenti progressivamente più binding.
A heart rate monitors, now available on the market at acceptable prices, it is necessary to avoid being forced to interrupt training to count the beats.

But in order to start training without the risk of wasting time too slowly (unnecessary to achieve the purpose) or too high (unsustainable or unsuitable to achieve this objective), it is preferable to calculate the areas of as a percentage of the maximum theoretical heart rate, according to the following definitions:
low intensity = 60 - 70% of max. FC = average intensity from 70 to 80% of max. FC high intensity = 80 - 90% max. FC
The following table allows you to identify the correct range of beats per minute, depending on age (in 5 years) and intensity of training required. These values \u200b\u200bare a good reference for non-risk taking pace of training too intense or too bland, which would, respectively, ineffective or dangerous exercise:
Age intensity (beats per minute) low medium high 20120-140 140-160 160-180 25 117-137 137-156 156-176 30 114-133 133-152 152-171 35 111-130 130-148 148-167 40 108-126 126-144 144-162 45 105-123 123-140 140-158 50 102-119 119-136 136-153 55 99-116 116-132 132-149 60 96-112 112-128 128-144 65 93-109 109-124 124-140
La bassa intensità è indicata per le persone sovrappeso perchè permetterà loro di allenarsi più a lungo, per poter smaltire un maggior numero di calorie. La media intensità è più adatta a persone, non sovrappeso, che vogliono migliorare la propria efficienza cardiovascolare e mantenere un buon grado di forma fisica.
La elevata intensità è riservata a sportivi che vogliono massimizzare le loro prestazioni aerobiche.


The ideal environment to perform aerobic activity is certainly in the open air, away from traffic, very crowded places such as parks, or campaigns. Absolutely to be pitied are those who rush to walk or cycle along the main busy roads, under these conditions the benefits of this type of physical activity are severely compromised by the amount of toxic substances inhaled by a breathing pattern that is more than double than normal.
For newbies starting this type of activity to lose weight, should be selected localities situated at a height (altitude), which is close to sea level, in fact, poichè la concentrazione dell'ossigeno nell'aria diminuisce con l'aumentare della quota, allenarsi in collina o in montagna comporterà un affaticamento maggiore, con conseguente riduzione della durata dell'esercizio e, per le persone molto sovrappeso, anche rischio cardiaco. 


Sono considerati generalmente un allenamento di tipo anaerobico, perchè, specialmente nei principianti, la stanchezza muscolare impone l'interruzione dell'esercizio entro lassi di tempo di un minuto e l'intervallo necessario per poter eseguire una seconda serie dello stesso esercizio, permette il ritorno della frequenza cardiaca e della respirazione a valori vicini a quelli di riposo.
Tuttavia, se dal punto di vista del potenziamento muscolare, gli esercizi di ginnastica con o senza attrezzi, necessitano di pause adeguate, per consentire ulteriori intense e brevi serie dello stesso tipo di esercizio, dal punto di vista della tonificazione muscolare e del dimagrimento, è sconsigliabile fare pause che consentano, alla frequenza cardiaca, di scendere al di sotto dei valori minimi di bassa intensità, riportati nella precedente tabella.
Il motivo è che gli esercizi anaerobici ad alto numero di ripetizioni (oltre12-14), fanno accumulare maggiori amount of lactic acid in muscles, which need to be disposed of with breathing. This suggests that if the pace cardiovascular, after each series falls rapidly to normal, does not allow adequate oxygenation of tired muscles, which will cause poor performance and a more generalized fatigue early.

The active rest

This term identifies the rest is made between two series of the same year, or between different exercises, but that is not considered a typical attitude of rest, which can be the sitting or lying down, but the execution of movements, or other strenuous exercises little, which, while allowing adequate rest to the muscles when trained, have the cardio-respiratory rate within the optimal for the continuation of the training.
A typical example of active rest, is to walk back and forth waiting to start the series or the following year. Later, with increasing degree of training, you will have to make other movements more challenging as riding a stationary bike or run at very bland.

exercises in circuit

For those who have little time to train and is no longer a beginner, a good alternative to the method of active rest, is made from training in the circuit, after an adequate general warm-up consists of alternating series of exercises of different intensity for different parts of the body, thus eliminating the pauses between the series, replacing them with other set of exercises for other parts of the body.
This is achieved by mutually intersecting sets of 2 or 3 different exercises, for example: If the table, among other exercises, includes 3 sets of chest, lumbar and 2 sets for 3 sets of abs, interspersed on average by 2 minutes stop, a way to make more and shorter aerobic workout, is to perform the sequence of series as follows: chest - abdominal - lumbar - thoracic - abdominal - lumbar - thoracic - abdominal.

Source: home gym


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