Sunday, November 29, 2009

How Can I Fake Community Service


autovaccines - What?

It 's a personal medicine, set in a gut microbe. Especially effective in the case of chronic infections.

Upon completion of therapy with the lactic acid bacteria (probiotics) in Germany have developed the technique dell'autovaccino. This is a highly individual and personalized medicine, Unlike a normal commercial probiotic, which originated outside the patient's intestinal flora, the isolation of microbes autovaccines is derived directly from the faeces of therapeutic patient (autogenous). The microbe such as Escherichia coli, which, when properly cultivated and devitalized, is then used to produce dell'Autovaccino. In Germany, autovaccine is regularly prescribed for more than 40 anni dai medici di base e dagli specialisti.

Quali sono le indicazioni ?


Ricerche immunologiche sui linfociti umani isolati hanno evidenziato che diverse citochine (sostanze prodotte dalle cellule immunitarie), che fungono da messaggeri nel sistema immunitario, vengono influenzate in vario modo dall’Autovaccino. L’Autovaccino agisce quindi come immunomodulatore, ed è indicato sia nelle malattie associate ad una scarsa immune defense, and in those characterized by overreaction. It 's a perfect drug for the individual patient's immune system. Autovaccines therapy is mainly suited to combat chronic diseases or recurring. For example: - chronic respiratory diseases: sinusitis, ear infections, bronchitis, tonsillitis, etc.. - Disorders of the genito-urinary system: cystitis, urethritis, vaginitis, etc.. - Allergic diseases and food intolerance: oculoriniti seasonal allergic and perennial asthma, chronic urticaria, etc.). - Skin diseases: various dermatoses (eg atopic dermatitis, recurrent herpes, etc.)., Fungus, etc.. - Gastro-intestinal diseases scratch: irritable bowel syndrome, chronic diarrhea, chronic constipation, diverticulitis, and, according to the seriousness of the case, including Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. - Oral diseases: aphthous stomatitis, gingivitis, chronic periodontitis.

Who prescribes?

The autovaccines should be prescribed by a medical expert, after a medical examination which will assess the status of the patient, the diagnosis of the disease and possible directions for una terapia con Autovaccino. Essendo una terapia priva di effetti tossici, ma estremamente salutare, l’Autovaccino si integra egregiamente con tutte le terapie naturali (omeopatia, fitoterapia, etc.). Nel nostro Paese sono pochissimi i medici che praticano questo tipo di terapia. 

Come viene prodotto e come si assume ?

In seguito alla prescrizione del medico, il paziente avrà il compito di raccogliere, con modalità opportune, un campione delle proprie feci e consegnarlo al medico stesso, che provvederà ad inviarlo quanto prima ai laboratori della Symbiopharm in Germania. After 3-4 weeks autovaccine is ready and is sent to the doctor, who in turn deliver it to the patient. Usually, it is produced in a autovaccines drops for oral use, but for special cases, your doctor may also ask the autovaccines injections. The oral autovaccines is administered twice a week for a course of treatment that lasts about 3 months.


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