Sunday, May 4, 2008

Circular Rash Under Breast

Int Durini - Bold Bold

did not happen by the fourth day, when he succeeded the Bold of two consecutive wins, and so arrive at the 15th and 16th ultmini 6 points of the season. Before
new: Int. Durini played in 10 for the whole game but we will not change anything because we will suffer until the last second. It starts immediately and strongly in the first 15 minutes we are already ahead, 2-0: Fusco brings visitors ahead after an assist from Restoration (10th minute), then the roles are reversed: Fusco keeps the ball in midfield , the defense offside leaving all rooms except Restoration (indicated soup) that is served and after a race-ending beat goalkeeper: 2-0. The Bold
relax, maybe a bit 'too much and can start at the International, the hosts are on target to reduce the disadvantage on a penalty kick for a foul by Chiarotti: Serafini intuits but can not block: 1-2.
Durini The first half saw the suffering and the courage to play football a lot and especially in midfield: Serafini is unsurpassed in two or three occasions. Ruggieri, after a number of occasions on Thursday, a goal fails again made strong by pulling to the side.
The second time does not change and continues to dominate the Durini: The Bold, but now in oxygen debt can come up with a great goal to Restauri (4° sigillo stagionale) il 3-1 e un po’ di tranquillità. D’Incecco inserisce Capitanio e D’Alonzo. l’Audace resiste agli attacchi ma nulla puo al 80° trovano il 2-3 da un inserimento di Caldarelli che beffa con un tiro preciso Serafini. All’ultimo minuto di recupero l’Internazionale Durini segna ma il giocatore è nettamente in fuorigioco, l’arbitro se ne accorge e fischia la fine dell’incontro e della stagione: Int. Durini – Audace 2-3.

Serafini 7 partita perfetta, grandi interventi, da sicurezza al reparto. Poteva parare il rigore;
Ruggieri 5, 5 not make this time as the other times, it is suggested often, but leaves uncovered his band;
soup 6, 5 the first time the defense will suffer, but the defense is holding very well, a few smudges. In the second half suffers a little 'heat and fatigue;
Antoniani 6 first time we suffer a lot in midfield, the second pass it to help out the defense;
Chiarotti 6, 5 like all the defense there is a lot to do, guilty on the first penalty, is liable to the second time;
Di Gregorio 6, 5 closures good defense, does not miss anything and you feel his presence behind them;
Restoration 7, 5 a bell'assist for Fusco, then a large double (applause from the second goal) runs much in the middle of the field and helps in times of difficulty;
Coccione 5, 5 the first time we suffer in midfield, too nervous and only yellow card of the team;
Di Rienzo 5, 5 has few opportunities to become dangerous, since it is just served: a bit 'absent
Fusco 6 - if it were not for the goal to el'assist Restauri potrebbe prendere molto meno. Troppo assente dal gioco, fuori posizione, soffre il caldo e non aiuta la squadra in difficoltà;
Decono 6 corre e cerca di tornare a centrocampo, nel secondo tempo lascia la squadra in 10 per infortunio;
Cetrullo 5, 5 non riesce a trovare la giusta posizione in mezzo al campo, un po’ spaesato;
Capitanio 6 rischia il giallo per un fallo di mano, ma la partita scorre molto tranquilla e si propone in buone chiusure;
D’Alonzo 6 corre e si danna per recuperare la palla poche occasioni da gol non capitalizzate. Cerca di fare salire la squadra mantenendo la palla;

FORMAZIONE: (3-5-2) Serafini, Ruggieri, Zuppa, Antoniani, Chiarotti, Di Gregorio (Capitanio), Restauri, Coccione, Di Rienzo (D’Alonzo), Fusco (Cetrullo), Decono. All. D’Incecco

Friday, May 2, 2008

Simply Chedder Chex Mix

2-3 - 6-1

Dopo 9 giornate arriva la terza vittoria (!!!) nel girone di ritorno: solo 13 i punti raccolti in 14 giornate. Parte forte l’Audace con Ruggieri che colpisce il palo destro al 5° minuto di gioco. La squadra di casa recrimina un rigore per un rigore non concesso per atterramento di Decono. Al 15° minuto Restoration of a precise cross found Di Rienzo free area for 1-0 and the first goal in 7 appearances. The next action again re Ruggieri hits in that area this time the pole to the left of the goalkeeper. Free kick from the right side for a foul on Coccione, Fusco is on the beat: the ball crosses the whole area and is free again Di Rienzo : 2-0. Also all claims for a penalty awarded by the referee certainly not after the ball had crossed the end line. The only danger to Serafini is a shot from outside the box just over the crossbar. The second time you reopen
with an opportunity to Ruggieri who can not bag a few feet from the door. The set is in 10 for expulsion for a second yellow card of the No. 6 for a foul on Decono. But although 10 are the goals of the 2-1: first Coccione (later replaced by Cetrullo) saves a dangerous area, taking the position in half, then Masciarelli with a diagonal left the goal that halved the disadvantage. Free kick from the edge, is dealing with Restoration: ball just wide of the post. D'Incecco replaces Fusco
D'Alonzo , the newly entered the goal is 3-1 in the diagonal on an assist by Di Rienzo. The 4-1 is signed by Restauri su lancio di Chiarotti: corsa, dribbling e gol!
Si aspetta il gol di
Decono che arriva per il 5-1 dopo una corsa solitaria da centrocampo. Il 6-1 nasce da un tiro-cross di Ruggieri (ancora lui) che coglie impreparato il portiere: sulla respinta Di Rienzo insacca per la tripletta.

Serafini 6 giornata tranquilla, poco impegnato, si fa trovare pronto;
Ruggieri 6 , 5 play winger making it unsafe: 2 poles, two other scoring chances and a lot of bad luck;
Soup 5 listless and careless though they are few opportunities on his opponent's belt;
Antoniani 6, 5 good set and stopping their opponents in line miediana;
Chiarotti 6, 5 few interventions (2 to butterflies). Means more vote for the assist on the goal of restoration of exterior;
Di Gregorio 6 administers the defense without error;
Restoration 7 great race, a valuable assist the per l’1-0 e bel gol del 4-1;
Coccione 6 mezzo voto in meno per i troppi falli. Già ammonito rischia il rosso: grintoso;
Di Rienzo 7, 5 non aveva ancora segnato e lo fa con il botto: 3 gol (due di testa) e 1 assist per il gol di D’Alonzo: la squadra aspettava i suoi gol dopo gli allenamenti svolti;
Fusco 6 assist per il 2-0; imposta il gioco ma è fuori posizione;
Decono 7 finalmente ritrova il gol (3°): corre tanto e mette in difficoltà la difesa causando l’espulsione di un avversario;
Cetrullo 6 return after a long injury, so much desire but a little 'in trouble;
D'Alonzo 7 Fusco notes and letters made it 3-1. not marked by the game against the San Marco (17th), enters and takes the usual competitive fury;

TRAINING: Serafini, Ruggieri, Soup, Antonian, Chiarotti, Di Gregorio, Restoration, Coccione (Cetrullo ), Di Rienzo, Fusco (On \u200b\u200bAlonzo), Decono. Appendix D'Incecco