Monday, December 14, 2009

Cute Volleyball Ribbon

Therapy against the harmful effects of vaccines

You true that a vaccine offers protection to a specific infectious disease in 75-95% of vaccinees, but this effect is obtained essentially the price of three damages:
1 - strong imbalance in the immune system (which is higher the greater the number of vaccines inoculated simultaneously and is so small and weak child);
2 - loss of the strengthening the immune system by infectious disease that the vaccine does indeed avoid;
3 - poisoning from substances associated antigen vaccine (mercury and other preservatives, aluminum and other adjuvants, animal proteins, antibiotics and various other chemicals).
antidote to the immune damage caused by vaccines may act by giving a homeopathic remedy strictly custom (called Similimum) that is chosen based on the totality of characteristics of the psycho-physical biopatografiche person.
Sometimes, however, clinical experience teaches that there are conditions in which this treatment does not work and often the cause is a strong block immune indeed caused by parenteral vaccines that the person has previously engaged, especially those inoculated in the earliest months of life.
You can then use this system suggested by the Homeopath Dutch Dr. Tinus Smits and that is the administration, a growing Dynamics, nosodes of homeopathic vaccine used. A homeopathic nosode is prepared by a diseased tissue infection in a crisis and then you can say that the nosode no longer has the identity of the person in it, but only the signs of the infection process.
The characteristic of nosodes is to be able to balance both the changes that the infectious agent causing organism or whether they are derived from the administration of some simple cellular antigens of the same organism (as in the case of vaccines ).
Morbillinum The homeopathic remedy, ad esempio, è in grado di riequilibrare i danni causati dal virus del morbillo, sia che questo sia venuto a contatto con un individuo in modo naturale (normale malattia infettiva del morbillo), sia che sia stato somministrato artificialmente in forma attenuata (tradizionale vaccino del morbillo), o i danni causati dalla somministrazione di frazioni antigeniche virali (per il morbillo questo sistema non è ancora possibile, ma lo è per altri vaccini come quello contro l'epatite B).
Il Dr. Smits usa somministrare tutti insieme i nosodi omeopatici dei vaccini che il bambino ha ricevuto. Quindi, se ad un bambino è stato inoculato il Vaccino Esavalente (vaccini antitetanico, antidifterico, antiepatitico B, antipoliomielitico, antiemofilo e antipertossico) e il medico sospetta che questa vaccinazione abbia causato dei danni immunitari o neurologici od ormonali ecc., gli somministra una soluzione omeopatica contenente 6 rimedi omeopatici mescolati tra loro.
Il Dr. Smits usa la somministrazione di questi rimedi in dose singola e in 4 potenze crescenti da effettuare una volta al giorno per 4 giorni consecutivi: il primo giorno il 30ch, il secondo giorno il 200ch, il terzo giorno il 1000ch (o 1000k) e il quarto giorno il 10.000ch (o 10.000k).

Durante o subito dopo la somministrazione di questi rimedi omeopatici si possono avere due eventi:
A - nessuna reazione

B - una reazione di malessere by the body. Analiza
now these two cases:
A - If the homeopathic remedy does not trigger any organic reaction, it means that there was no change within its range (for example, if it had been assumed Morbillinum means that any previous vaccination against measles and measles disease natural that the child had not previously had caused immune damage).
In this case, wait about 20 days and then you can give another possible solution is to try homeopathic antidote to other vaccines (that is, if the history is not evidence of a strong suspicion in respect of a vaccination as a causative agent of immune damage, you have to try to administer the various homeopathic remedies in succession, until the vaccine is responsible).
recommend a few homeopathic remedies at a time (up to 3-4 if the child has received many vaccines): in this way the treatment is a bit 'long, but makes it easier to identify the vaccine caused the damage and this is not information is a significant prognostic and therapeutic purposes.
B - If the homeopathic remedy is immune to an imbalance 'inside of his particular sphere of action, will manifest itself (usually within 12-24 hours) a malaise generally characterized by fever, chills, cough, etc.. The most common reaction in these cases is the onset of fever, which does not require special treatment. This brief and mild aggravation of symptoms, which reflect the reaction of 'body and that is a very desirable during a homeopathic therapy uniqueness, suggests that the medicine was able to resume what was once called "vital energy" of the person.
In this case, it should be immediately suspended the homeopathic treatment with vaccinia and usually, to share rare cases requiring a new remedy, should not be given any treatment, either pharmacological, homeopathic: you just wait 1-3 days and everything will be resolved.
When the symptoms have stopped, wait another 7 days and repeat again and once the last homeopathic product made (the one that caused the reaction). Wait three days and then, if other effects do not appear, continue as planned (ie any other powers of the same homeopathic remedy that lack to be taken).
If you repeat the previous problems (certainly less intensity), you have to stop again, wait another 7 days after their disappearance, and repeat once or twice administration of the same homeopathic remedy, will not appear until no more noise, then you can continue with the other powers of the same product until you finish the treatment program.

Sometimes you may experience severe reactions which can then be treated very well by the administration the same homeopathic remedy that has stimulated, but given the power 30CH dissolved in water: five granules dissolve in half a glass of water that is then given at a dose of two teaspoons per day for 1-3 days.
If a child is particularly weak, for example due to complications from the use of multiple vaccinations or is a true case of hypersensitivity dell'antivaccino each power can be given weekly instead of daily.
also any serious reactions can be treated the same way with weekly repetition of the same power to the complete absence of any reaction. If symptoms do not disappear completely within three weeks, the entire series must be repeated. In general, you need to be given a serial number ranging from one to three.
antivaccinale When this treatment is finished, if they start another one after an interval of 20 days and will continue that way until all vaccines are administered or at least those considered more likely guilty of immune damage.
This treatment may also be useful to treat acute illness caused by the natural manifestation of the disease (for example, a normal measles in the acute phase) or acute complication caused by the vaccine.
In acute cases the treatment is basically the same and differs only in the fact that we will give preference to aqueous solutions of powers 30C or 200C. This homeopathic solution should be administered in the form of a small sip or a spoonful every hour, for a number of days (three days is usually sufficient).
, but if you wish to make a vaccine and you want to try to limit the massimo i suoi danni , va utilizzato il metodo preventivo che consiste nel somministrare il rimedio omeopatico corrispondente a quel vaccino (cioè il vaccino dinamizzato). Di solito si consiglia di usare la 200ch, circa cinque granuli, che vanno somministrati solo due volte: la prima volta 2 giorni prima del vaccino e la seconda volta subito dopo la vaccinazione.
I granuli vanno sciolti in bocca. Se non vi saranno successive vaccinazioni dello stesso tipo per qualche tempo, per maggior tranquillità è buona cosa ripetere lo stesso rimedio omeopatico il mese dopo, a potenze crescenti per tre giorni consecutivi: 200ch, 1000ch (o MK) e 10.000ch (o XMK). In questo modo si corregge qualsiasi possibile disturbo even in the deepest energy levels.
If despite all these preventive measures complications arise - something that can never be completely ruled out - I recommend the use of an aqueous solution of this vaccine to be administered at 200C for three days in the acute phase and then repeat the entire series that the following weeks.
For completeness, I note that this treatment of the vaccine or antidote to the damage of specific infectious diseases for which we have the specific homeopathic remedies, but not in any way alters the antibody response to vaccine therapy, that does not interfere with the immunity that person has acquired as a result of recruitment the vaccine.
(Dr. Roberto Gava)


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