Wednesday, December 9, 2009

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Homeopathic Colon Hydrotherapy


Many studies Epidemiological studies have shown that health, illness and aging are closely related to the status of the colon. The balance between assimilation of nutrients and the elimination of waste is undoubtedly the primary factor for maintaining good health. If we depend very much on our environment esteriore, è certo che l'influenza esercitata dal nostro ambiente interiore è perlomeno della stessa importanza.
L'inquinamento interiore del corpo è un fattore determinante per il mantenimento degli stati patologici. Il colon, luogo terminale del bolo alimentare, lungi dall'essere passivo, è il luogo di passaggio di numerose sostanze sia verso l'interno che verso l'esterno. Quando è sporco, pieno di materiali che ne incrostano le pareti, non è più in grado di assolvere correttamente alle sue funzioni d'assorbimento delle sostanze necessarie alla vita delle cellule, né di espellere i residui umorali del sangue e della linfa ritardando così la sua funzione principale.
Most human beings who suffer from digestive disorders more or less important have fecal matter that remains "locked" in the colon for a long time, sometimes for years, these substances are a source of poisoning of the body, and often causes of mental disturbance and disorder in personal development. The bad feature of the colon is not always the cause of a disease, but in many cases is an important factor in stressing the disease itself and its extension. The seriousness of this therapy is confirmed by more than 50 years of practice and research in various countries around the world and especially in the U.S. where Snyder and Waddington, having practiced more than 1600 irrigation intestinal without incident, I am able to state the total safety of this therapy.
dell'idrocolonterapia The main purpose is to wash in the depths of the intestinal mucosa, but also and perhaps primarily, a diagnostic method that allows you to focus on the functional status of the large intestine and connect the symptoms of patient's malfunctioning. With this method you can determine the presence of intestinal gas as well as volume, concentration and localization of accumulated faecal matter, and yet the density and color of the intestinal mucus of providing guidance for establishing, for a given person, the type of power che favorisce l'accumulo permettendo di mettere a punto la dieta non solo durante la cura, ma anche durante tutto il periodo di disintossicazione dell'organismo.
L'idrocolonterapia non pretende di essere il rimedio di ogni male, ma una procedura estremamente favorevole in una grande varietà di turbe della salute. Un cambiamento del comportamento alimentare, l'adozione progressiva di una alimentazione più sana, un modo di vita più equilibrato, un adeguato spazio per il necessario riposo, l'introduzione di un adeguato programma di attività fisica nella vita quotidiana, sono tutti indispensabili per conservare o migliorare la salute ritrovata grazie all'idrocolonterapia.
L'irrigazione intestinale ( primo nome dato a questa pratica ) è molto antica, la prima citazione la troviamo nel papiro Ebers, un documento dell'antico Egitto datato 1500 a.C.; già i medici di allora consideravano questa tecnica come una misura terapeutica di grande valore. Secondo un testo apocrifo, Gesù Cristo, che avrebbe appreso l'arte della guarigione secondo l'insegnamento della comunità essenica, considerava il potere dell'acqua altamente purificatore. Ippocrate "il padre della medicina" (V-IV secolo a.C.), Galeno (II secolo d.C.) e Ambroise Paré (XVI secolo) perorarono in favore dell'utilizzazione terapeutica del lavaggio intestinale. Ambroise Paré, in particolare, fu il primo a descrivere l'irrigazione totale del colon.
In Germany at the end of the nineteenth century the "Subacquale Innenbad" was widely used, and early twentieth century, Brosch, MD, had already developed the "Enerocleaner", the forerunner of the current equipment. But in the United States that hydrocolontherapy was brought back into vogue thanks to two medical hygienists, James W. Wiltsie, and Joseph EG Waddington. They announced: "The abnormal function of the intestinal duct is the precursor of many states of ill health, especially chronic diseases.
Restoring physiological intestinal elimination is often a prerequisite for restoration of health in del'eventuale general. " Nella nostra epoca, in Europa numerosi medici come Bertholet, Barishac e Schalle hanno dimostrato ripetutamente la necessità dell'igiene intestinale. Altri come la Dottoressa Kousmine hanno fatto di questa pratica una delle basi indispensabili del loro trattamento delle patologie degenerative.

La tecnica
L'idrocolonterapia è un processo di pulizia dell'intestino crasso che consiste nell'introdurvi dell'acqua dolce, tiepida e purificata, senza aggiunte di prodotti chimici o medicinali. I successivi bagni sono effettuati con dell'acqua immessa ed eliminata per mezzo di una cannula a doppia funzione introdotta rectum. The water is at a temperature ranging between 25 ° and 41 °, these temperature changes affect the faecal material adherent to the intestinal mucosa and on the same tissue reactivating their physiological reaction.
One of the reasons that may explain this phenomenon may lie in the fact that the cecum and ascending colon being two of the main points of absorption of water, bacteria and their toxins present in large numbers in this region , are likely to be absorbed in large quantities when it produces a stagnation. Moreover, this stagnation is due to congestion of the lymphatic system and portal vein, blood flow increased to produce toxins in turn a congestion of the spleen and liver on the one hand, and the vessels of the hemorrhoidal veins of the legs on the other.
engorgement of the lymph because of a high level of toxins is likely to cause in the long term, the weakening of the immune system and, by extension, upper airway disorders (angina, sinusitis, rhinitis, otitis , etc..) as well as a number of skin problems (acne, eczema, etc.).. Toxins from the gut, transported into the body by the bloodstream to be fixed preferably in places where the resistance is less organic, intoxicating progressively target cells and promoting the destabilization of the delicate balance cerebrali; quindi è qui che si deve ricercare la causa dei cambiamenti d'umore, della perdita di dinamismo (la famosa "fatica ad alzarsi") o delle diverse turbe del sistema neurovegetativo. Questo metodo, attivo sia in fase preventiva che durante la cura, è un lavaggio intestinale che agisce staccando i cumuli incollati alla mucosa stimolando contemporaneamente l'attività peristaltica e migliorando l'assorbimento dei cibi nell'intestino cieco e nel colon ascendente.
Con l'idrocolonterapia si hanno dei notevoli risultati e spesso anche la guarigione pura e semplice di numerose patologie. Questo procedimento, molto più efficace di un semplice lavaggio, pulisce interamente il colon dal retto al cieco permettendo mobility of encrusted fecal matter in the intestinal villi also for many years. Because of the long time of stagnation, these matters take on a consistency similar to that of a tire. Only the prolonged and repeated irrigation may allow them to soften in depth with the consequent elimination of those that are often outbreaks of poisoning and inflammation.

dell'idrocolonterapia The beneficial effects are manifested in various ways: Feeling of well-being resulting from the elimination of mucus, gas, undigested food particles and bowel toxins. Feeling of lightness caused by the hot water from the abdominal massage and the liberation of the intestinal mucosa. An improvement of edema, local inflammation of the colon and tissue is obtained through the removal of irritants through direct action on the cold water at the same time exerts a stimulatory effect of intestinal peristalsis.
A action on parasites of the colon and the like that is allowed by the alternation of the temperature of the water used in the sessions. Often there is a weight loss and a streamlined shape in people more cumbersome and weight gain in thin people as it is restored the balance between elimination and assimilation. The increase in abdominal tone is usually the beginning of treatment. The cysts, ovarian dysmenorrhoea, and always get better and often you get a definitive cure after treatment.
It also noted an improvement in renal function after treatment. The hydrocolontherapy thus presents a very special interest in improving the general functioning of the digestive tract. But its action is equally interesting in some specific cases such as: preparation and monitoring of washes used in the research diagnostic barium in the colon allow you to present a gut so clean and easy to read X-ray, after examining the active elimination mash di bario. Recupero più rapido del normale transito intestinale dopo anestesia totale. Azione interessante in geriatria per il suo effetto disintossicante e rinvigorente. I paraplegici traggono degli enormi vantaggi con questo sistema. Infine, sia a livello preparatorio fino al quarto mese di gravidanza, sia dopo il parto, rappresenta una misura estremamente benefica per la donna incinta.

Vi sono controindicazioni alla cura dell'idrocolonterapia?
Si, in seguito a gravi emorragie, le necrosi per irradiazione, patologie infiammatorie acute, emorroidi gravi, aderenze pelviche, ulcere con sospetta perforazione, turbe cardiache gravi, recent surgery of the colon and rectum, severe hypertension, cancers of the colon and rectum, syncope of cardiac origin, late pregnancy (after the fourth month), abdominal hernias, anal fissures and fistulas.

The intestinal flora is disturbed by this technique?
The intestinal flora consists of billions of microscopic organisms, bacteria to yeast, mold and viruses that live in the gut and which play an important role in maintaining health by ensuring the balance of 'intestinal ecosystem. Through carefully the intestinal mucosa, having been freed from the encumbrance of toxins that barrier, will increase its ability to maintain that balance. Your doctor may prescribe a supplement if necessary-bacillus acidophilus to facilitate this process.

can cause lack of electrolytes?
When the body is properly nourished with good quality nutrition that also contain sodium, potassium, magnesium and organic, the amount of electrolytes required is provided by the daily food. Alternately filling and emptying the colon with water, the hydrocolontherapy improves overall body hydration and absorption of minerals, in contrast to ordinary laxatives and washing that promote depletion of minerals and dehydration.
However, to avoid any risk, is recommended during treatment an additional contribution of minerals and vitamins. The hydrocolontherapy sweet is the only practical and effective, offering the possibility of a deep and thorough cleansing of the bowel with the removal of stagnant fecal outbreaks of pathogenic organisms. It also allows, with its action to stimulate the bowel, to give more dynamism to a sluggish colon. Finally, the process finally stops the vicious cycle dell'autointossicazione of the whole body.
Accompanied by the desire to practice healthy eating and a way of life without stress, hydrocolontherapy allows each individual to regain their health. After the colon rrigazione calls for a reinstatement of bacteria "friends" with Lactobacillus acidophilus (which is the most important bacteria of the small intestine) and the Bifido bacterium longum (important colonizers of the colon).
Taking acidophilus and bifidus improve constipation problems, provides the body with the enzyme lactase which many people are deficient, is involved in assimilation and production of B vitamins, the 'acidophilus produces Furthermore, various substances with an antibiotic, antiviral and antifungal (especially against Candida albicans). In addition, acidophilus and bifidus play an anticancer activity on and off since eliminating chemicals that can become cancerous substances (such as nitrites that are used as preservatives in foods and are transformed into nitrosamines in the intestines).
In a sample of 30 patients (22 women and 8 men) which has been taken care of recolonization and drainage continued for 4-6 weeks by taking Homeos Homeos 2 and 4, it became evident substantial benefits. The combined use of these products has allowed the improvement and restore the rhythm of peristaltic Homeos by 2 and a consolidation and a drain that the liver via the intestinal washing was reactivated Homeos 4.
the fact Homeos 2 is a regulator of intestinal function, indicated in the intestinal constipation from inertia, and atonic constipation from inadequate biliary function. The Homeos 4 is a drainage that stimulates liver function and biliary dell'epatocita. Decongestant, liver protector, is indicated in all liver disease with portal and biliary stasis.

Loredana Balconies - Surgeon (Reggio Emilia)


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