Thursday, January 31, 2008

Scooter Wheels Yellow

ruled the Disciplinary Commission ... Appearances

APPEAL OF THE COMPANY 'ASD BOLD PESCARA 1999, against the sanctions taken by GS (DISQUALIFICATION OF THE PLAYER TO EUGENE CURIA 18.11.2010 and give me THE AUDITORS' € 500.00) IN RACE REPORT TO ORION / THE BOLD PLAYED FOR THE CHAMPIONSHIP OF 11/18/2007 CATEGORY III, GROUP "A" (CU No. 14 of 22/11/2007, Provincial Delegate PESCARA). With

appeal duly brought, the company has challenged the Bold measures referred to in the epigraph, taken from the GS towards the Curia to get your hands on your chest pushed the referee, making him slam his back against the wall, and launched a kick for him to left leg and to society to have their supporters entered the locker room near the referee and to have one of them pushed the referee and pulled him with both hands.
It concluded that the Curia, the appellant would not have been guilty of the alleged offenses, as after his expulsion would not be returned to the field with the result that the author of the aggression was not a fan identified and that, subsequent to this invasion, the company would have no guilt because it demonstrated that the fans belonged to the same company. He therefore concluded that the lifting of sanctions, or at least to reduce them.
The referee of the match, in the supplement, and to hear explanations, confirmed the original identification of references indicating that the player did not leave room for doubt as arbitration had fifteen days before a race knowing the same company, therefore, appearance of the Curia, which could not equally be no doubt as to the responsibility of the fans of daring, as required under observation after he was awarded a penalty kick contro la loro società, provocandone la reazione.
Osserva la Commissione che, alla luce delle precisazioni fornite dal direttore di gara, non possono sussistere dubbi di alcun genere in ordine alla responsabilità del calciatore Curia e dei sostenitori della società appellante. Va, peraltro, rilevato che in conseguenza delle stesse precisazioni, la sanzione inflitta dal primo giudice può essere ridotta sul presupposto che la spinta ed il calcio ricevuti dal direttore di gara, non sono stati di rilevante intensità e non hanno causato particolari conseguenze allo stesso, visto che l’effetto di tale azione è rimasto circoscritto ad una sensazione di momentaneo dolore a questi procurato.
Per questi motivi, la Commissione Disciplinare


to reduce the disqualification imposed on the player until 30/6/2009 Eugenio Curia, confirming the rest of the contested measure.
has returned the fee paid.


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