Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Patron Saint Of Occupational Theraphy

Progetto: Diventa Istruttore Digitale

Da un post di
Francesco un mio amico che gestisce il blog Nuovibusiness ho preso spunto per parlare di una nuova professione che sta prendendo forma sempre di più sul web: "Istruttore Digitale" .

Se vuoi capire meglio di cosa si tratta ti rimando al post di Francesco che puoi trovare qui: Diventa Istruttore Digitale

Come sai, io tratto i sistemi per guadagnare da casa e per lavorare da casa con il pc quindi non potevo lasciarmi scappare questa interessantissima occasione.

Ecco quindi some ideas that came to my mind to develop this activity.

For now, the ideas I jumped in head are these:

- Create a website set up with a home page that promotes the activity and then have some sort of directory where instead of the sites we have reviewed the various pages of the instructors categorized digital and knowledge.

... or

- A forum where in addition to basic care will also receive free job for a fee.

... or

- a marketplace of 'digital education. A site created as a classic e-commerce site where, however, instead of traditional products are offered assistance of various kinds with its price. By doing this you can also sell at the same time video courses and ebooks
well as the classic technical assistance.

... and finally

- Create a blend of the three ideas to get an education portal, taking care to also integrate digital mini-courses to increase the audience a gift.

The project is being launched even though preembrionale.

Anyone wishing to participate please contact me on Skype cosikkè if they can talk in more depth. My contact is Nikoadmin.


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