Sunday, March 16, 2008

Can You Get Hand And Mouth Disease Twice

Audace Audace - Orion

Nella ventitreesima giornata, l’Audace crolla in casa contro l’Orione dopo 6 giornate di risultati positivi. In porta di nuovo Chiarotti, Serafini infortunato va in panchina; squadra riconfermata con il rientro di Antoniani e Iorio in mezzo al campo e D’Alonzo in avanti per Russo. Primo tempo che inizia con una pressione costante degli ospiti che si portano nei primi minuti di gioco con l’ex Di Iorio a tu per tu con Chiarotti che riesce a sbrogliare. Da calcio d’angolo viene lasciato solo in mezzo all’area il terzino destro, che colpisce di testa, Chiarotti ribatte, nuovamente di tacco e l’estremo difensore si supera con un colpo di reni che salva sulla linea. Boldness has problems in midfield, can not open the game and play on the wings where it may have more opportunities. Ahead are playable and a few balls on one of these, D'Alonzo controls and pull the goalie ready finding Orion. The referee let it go without a lot of work to hunt any red dot label, then in the second half but warns only players audacity to make them not too bad. Fortune turned its back on a restart when the audacity of midfield, was injured Decono for a recurrence of a calf problem, took over the Warriors, the Bold is 10 and suffers in the goals of the benefit: launch from midfield, Beaten ( number 9) controls, Capitanio him wait a bit 'too much and leaves from the tip a shot from outside the area puts on the edge of the pole: 1-0!
The first half ends with the advantage Orion.
The second half does not say anything new compared to the first time, or rather the pressure of the hosts is still evident, worried in a couple of occasions Chiarotti that is always present. Diodato replaces Fusco and shortly after soup for Damiani and Di Rienzo, Antonian retreats in defense. But it comes with an Orion double winner in the door of that poor wretch beaten. After it arrives on a 0-3 unlucky own goal of restoration. Iorio with a splendid free-kick into the top corner reduces the disadvantage 1-3! In the final
the corner, Acuna lengthens the gap with a backslash in area, and the final 5 minutes of recovery: Bold - Orion 1-4.

TRAINING: (3-5-2) Chiarotti, Ruggieri, Soup (Di Rienzo), Fusco (Damiani), Antonian, Capitanio, Iorio, Restoration, Decono (Warriors), Ferrari (Di Gregorio) , D'Alonzo (Serafini). Herds Diodato


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